Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Significance
1.2 Methodology and Research Questions
1.3 Data Collection
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Approaches to Projection
2.1.1 Classic Approach
2.1.2 Deep Structure Approach
2.1.3 Literary Approach
2.1.4 Cognitive Approach
2.2 Previous Studies on Circumstance
2.2.1 Traditional Approach
2.2.2 Deep Structure Approach
2.2.3 Corpus-based Approach
2.2.4 Typological Approach
2.3 Previous Studies on Projection and Circumstance in Chinese
2.4 Conclusion
Chapter Three Taking Stock of Accumulated Knowledge in Projection Studies fro Systemic Functional Linguistics
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Methodology
3.2.1 Data Retrieval
3.2.2 Study Inclusion Criteria
3.2.3 Study Exclusion Criteria
3.2.4 Coding Book Development
3.2.5 Coding Procedures
3.3 Results and Findings
3.4 Synthesis Findings by Different Domains
3.4.1 Theoretical Discussion
3.4.2 Language Description
3.4.3 Language and Education
3.4.4 Professional Communication
3.4.5 Translation Studies
3.5 Discussion
3.5.1 Methodological Issues
3.5.2 Theoretical Issues
3.5.3 Registerial Synthesis
3.5.4 Future Directions
3.6 Conclusion
Chapter Four Positional Variant of Project~Clause—A Corplls.based C锄paraHv
Analysis of Reporting Clause in English and Chinese
4.0 Introduction
4.1 The Corpus of Online News in English and Chinese
4.2 Textual Motivations:Information Flow and Method of Development
4.3 An Universal Account of FIS:Free from Hypotactic DominaIlce
4.4 The Mood Structure and Taxis of Projection in Chinese
4.5 Mood Structure and Interpersonal DominaJlce
4.6 Conclusion
Chapter Five Interpersonal Projection
Mapping Rank Scale to Modality in English and ChiIlese
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Theoretical Background
5.2 Examining Explicit/Implicit Modality Along the Rank-scale in English
5.3 Examining Explicit/Implicit Modality Along the Rank-scale in Chinese
5.3.1 Clause Rank:Explicit Modali
5.3.2 Phrase Rank:Quasi—explicit Modality
5.3.3 Group Rank:Implicit Modality
5.3.4 Word Rank:Implicit Modality
5.4 Subjective/Objective Modality Along the Rank-scale in English
5.5 Subjective/Objective Modality Along the Rank-scale in Chinese
5.6 Preliminary Evidence in Parallel Corpus
5.7 Conclusion
Lapter Six Systemic Functional Approach:Linking Projection and Circumstance
6.0 Introducfion
6.1 Basic Assumptions in SFG
6.1.1 Metafunction
6.1.2 Stratification
6.1.3 Lexicogrammatical Cline
6.1.4 Rank and Rankshifi
6.1.5 Semantic Domain
6.2 Projection Clause Complex
6.3 Functional Approach to Circumstance(Prepositional Phrase)
6.4 Hypotactic Enhancement:Functional Interpretation of Adverbial Clause
6.5 Circumstantiation of Projection
6.6 Conclusion
Chapter Seven Textual Projection——A Functional Analysis of Shuo-connectives in Chinese
7.0 Introduction
7.1 Previous Studies on shu6.connectives
7.2 Lexicalized and Grammaticalized Dichotomy of shu6一connectives
7.3 A Survey of Lexicalized shu6一connectives
7.4 A survey of Grammaticalized shu6一connectives
7.4.1 Non—projection Type
7.4 。2 Marker Type
7.4.3 Projection Type
7.4.4 Muhifunctional Type
7.5 A Continuum Perspective on shu6一connectives
7.6 Conclusion
Chapter Eight Functional Nature of Projecting Circumstance
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Distinguishing Circumstance and Adjunct
8.2 Difficulties in Analyzing Projecting Circumstance
8.3 Process—related.Participant—related and Clause—related Circumstance
8.4 Topological Interpretation:Projection as Activity or Communication
8.5 Conclusion
Chapter Nine Source:Circumstantiation of Verbal/Relation