内容推荐 本书是一部关于当代英国移民文学的历史。全书自1948年写起,分为四章,除第一章的时间段为21年之外,其余三章均以十年为一分期;各章按文类分别介绍所属分期的小说、诗歌和戏剧。本书展现了传统文学批评细致深入的特点,述评结合,重在梳理流派风格和勾勒脉络,同时提供丰富的背景资料;评论时兼顾主题和写作手法,对作家创作和作品产生的各种语境亦予以关注。 目录 General Editor's Preface Abbreviations A Note on References Introduction 1. The End of Imperial England and the Seeds of the New: 1948-1969 I. New Immigrants II. Prose: Culture Conflict and Lonely Londoners III. Poetry: Swansongs, Birds of Passage IV. Drama: West Indian Social Realists 2. Transformations:1970-1979 I. Ethnicity and the Myth of Revolution II. Prose: Some Firsts III. Poetry: Black Modernists IV. Drama: West Indian Playwrights and Black Lives 3 Fragmentation and Internationalization: 1980-1989 I. Demanding Rights II. Prose: From Exotic to British, Almost III. Poetry: Performance and Dialect IV. Drama: Black, Black Feminist, and Asian Brecht 4 England's New English Literature: 1990-2000 I. Celebrating Multiracial England II. Prose: Remapping England III. Poetry: Returning to the Page and the Self IV. Drama: Histories Conclusion Author Bibliographies Suggestions for Further Reading Index |