内容推荐 该书结合青藏铁路的复杂地质条件,通过对多年冻土、地震与活动断裂、斜坡地质灾害、环境保护、地热、风沙及风吹雪等不良地质条件的分析,确定了线路方案的选线原则,并为线路方案的选择和完善提供了依据。该书阐述了不同类型地质条件下线路方案的选择和优化过程,分析了沿线的工程地质条件对线路的影响,并列举了大量的工程实例。该书为英文版图书。 目录 1 Introduction 1.1 Engineering Geological Problems Along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Line 1.1.1 Geological Problems in Permafrost Areas 1.1.2 Geological Problems in Active Fault Areas 1.1.3 Geological Problems in Slope Areas 1.1.4 Geological Problems in Geothermal, Aeolian and Snowdrift Areas 1.2 Principles of Railway-Line Selection 1.2.1 Line Selection in Permafrost Regions 1.2.2 Line Selection in Active Fault Zones 1.2.3 Line Selection in Slope Areas 1.2.4 Line Selection in Geothermal Areas 1.2.5 Line Selection in Aeolian Areas 1.2.6 Line Selection in Snowdrift Areas 1.2.7 Line Selection in Nature Reserves 2 The Qinghai-Tibet Railway Geological Environment 2.1 Physical Geography 2.1.1 Geographical Location 2.1.2 Climatic Characteristics 2.1.3 Soil and Vegetation 2.1.4 Rare Wild Animals 2.1.5 River System 2.1.6 Ecological Environment 2.2 Topography and Geomorphology 2.2.1 Qaidam Basin (KS14+500-DK845+400) 2.2.2 Valley Terrace North of Kunlun Mountains (DK845+400-DK940+500) 2.2.3 Xidatan Structural Valley (DK940+500-DK973+700) 2.2.4 Kunlun Medium-High Mountain Area (DK973 +700-DK 1005 +500) 2.2.5 Chumar River High Plains (DK1005+500-DK1072+500) 2.2.6 Hoh Xil Mountains (DK1072+500-DK1124+500) 2.2.7 Beilu River Basin (DK1124+500-DK1145+500) 2.2.8 Fenghuo Mountain Area (DK1145+500-DK 1165+500) 2.2.9 Chiqu Valley (DK1165+500-DK1193+200) 2.2.10 Wuli Basin (DKlI93+200-DK1202+500) 2.2.11 Wuli Mountain (DK1202+500-DK1217+700) 2.2.12 Tuotuo River Basin (DK1217+700-DKI245+000) 2.2.13 Kaixinling Mountain Area (DK1245+000-DK +800) 2.2.14 Tongtian River Basin (DK1252+800-DK1282+800) 2.2.15 Buqu Valley (DK1282+800-DK1360+800) 2.2.16 Wenquan Fault Basin (DK1360+800-DKI394+800) 2.2.17 Tonglha Mountains and Intermontane Basin (DK 1394+800-DK 1485 +200) 2.2.18 Touerjiu Mountain Area (DK1485+200-DK1513+770) 2.2.19 High Plains Area in Northern Tibet(DK1513+770-DK1801+100) 2.2.20 Medium-High Mountain Area Between Samli and Yangbaling (DK1801+100-DK1904+500) 2.2.21 Southern Nyainqentanglha Mountain Area from Yangbaling to Lhasa (DK1904+500-DK2006+700) 2.3 Formation Lithology 2.3.1 Quaternary System 2.3.2 Tertiary System 2.3.3 Cretaceous 2.3.4 Jurassic System 2.3.5 Triassic System 2.3.6 Permian System 2.3.7 Paleozoic Group 2.3.8 Magmatic Rocks 2.4 Geological Structure 2.4.1 Folds 2.4.2 Faults 2.5 Hydrogeology 2.5.1 Regional Hydrogeological Conditions 2.5.2 Groundwater Type ……