1.Topologie——Note Surles Produits Essentiels Symetriques des Espaces Topologiques
2.On the Product of Sphere Bundles and the Duality Theorem Modulo Two
3.Topologie——Sur L'existence D, un Champ Dlements de Contact On Dune Structure Complexe Sur Une Sphere
4.Topologie——Stur Les Classes Caracteristiques D, un Espace Fibre En Spheres
5.Topologie——Sur Le Second Obstacle D, un Champ DElements de Contact Dans Une Structure Fibree Spherique
6.Topologie——Sur La Structure Presque Complexe D5une Variete Differentiable Reelle de Dimension
7.Topologie——Sur La Structure Presque Complexe D, une Variete Differentiable Reelle
8.Topologie Algebrique-Classes Caracteristiques Et I-carres D5une Variete
9.Topologie Algebrique-Les i-carres Dans Une Variete Grassmannienne
10.Sur les Puissances de Steenrod
12.On Pontrjagin Classes
13.On Squares in Grassmannian Manifolds
20.On the Realization of Complexes in Euclidean Spaces Ⅰ
21.On the Imbedding of Polyhedrons in Euclidean Spaces
22.On the Realization of Complexes in Euclidean Spaces Ⅱ
23.On the Classes of a Topological Space
24.On the Relations between Smith Operations and Steenrod Powers
25.On the Realization of Complexes in Euclidean Spaces Ⅲ
26.On the Reduced Products and the Reduced Cyclic Products of a Space
27.On the Dimension of a Normal Space with Countable Basis
28.On the Isotopy of Cr-Maiiifolds of Dimension n in Euclidean (2n+1)-Space
29.On the Realization of Complexes in Euclidean Spaces Ⅱ
30.On the Isotopy of Complexes in a Euclidean Space Ⅰ
31.Topologie Combinatoire Et Invariants Combinatoires
32.On Certain Invariants of Cell-Bundles
33.On the Isotopy of a Finite Complex in a Euclidean Space
34.On the Isotopy of a Finite Complex in a Euclidean Space Ⅱ
37.On the Imbedding of Orientable Manifolds in a Euclidean Space
39.A Theorem on Immersion
40.On the Immersion of Manifolds in a Euclidean Space
41.On the Notion of Imbedding Classes
42.On the Imbedding of Manifolds in a Euclidean Space (1)
43.On Complex Analytic Cycles and Their Real Traces
44.On Critical Sections of Convex Bodies
46.On Universal Invariant Forms
50.Theory of I*-Functor in Algebraic Topology-Effective Calculation and Axiomatization of I*-Functor on Complexes
51.Theory of I*-Functor in Algebraic Topology-I*-Punctor of a Fiber Space
52.On Calculability of I*-Measure with Respect to Complex-Union and Other Related Constructions
53.de Rham-Sullivan Measure of Spaces and Its Calculability
54.A Constructive Theory of Algebraic Topology-Part I.Notions of Measure and Calculability
55.De Rham Theorem from Constructive Point of View
56.Some Remarks on Jet-Transformations