内容推荐 本书为论文集,是一部树木生态信息学方面的著作,收录了作者近年来单独或与他人合作完成的树木生态信息学方面的论文,既有发表在国内中文期刊上的,也有发表在国际英文期刊上的。全书分生态信息、气象灾害、叶色变化、叶尖缘枯萎、松树枯萎和其他部分等,论述了树木的叶片枯萎、林场的生态环境保护、自然环境对特定树种的作用等内容。 目录 第一部分 生态信息 用红外热像法检测一些树木枝叶温度的研究 侧柏衰弱木和蛀干害虫受害木的热红外成像检测 Thermographic analysis of leaf water and energy information of Japanese spindle and glossy privet trees in low temperature environment Digital image analysis of different crown shape of Platycladus orientalis Measuring leaf necrosis and chlorosis of bamboo induced by Typhoon 0613 with RGB image analysis Quantitative research on vigor of ginkgo trees hit by Typhoon 0613 with ground-based digital image analysis 第二部分 气象灾害 Responses of some landscape trees to the drought and high temperature event during 2006 and 2007 in Yamaguchi,Japan 一些景观树对灾害天气事件的非对称响应 第三部分 叶色变化 Persistent and advanced reddening of sweetgum leaves after maj or veins severing 北美枫香主脉切断叶片的蒸腾冷却衰减和变色 水分失衡状态下北美枫香的叶变红 Leaf structural reddening in smoke tree and its significance 第四部分 叶尖叶缘枯萎 Transpiration surface reduction of Kousa dogwood trees during seriously losing water balance Image measurements of leaf scorches on landscape trees subjected to extreme meteorological events 第五部分 松树枯萎 气象灾害环境下的松树枯萎 第六部分 其他 光热和水分条件对石灰岩山地侧柏人工林更新的影响 致谢