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内容推荐 从某种意义上说,弗雷德里克·詹姆逊著的《现实主义的二律背反(英文版)》是一部特殊形式的19世纪现实主义小说史。詹姆逊从社会和文化历史切入,结合左拉、托尔斯泰、加尔多斯、艾略特等具体作家的作品,将它们置于与现代主义和后现代主义的对照之中,详尽论述了现实主义的形成、发展和特点,以及它与意识形态和社会历史的关系,即便是局部和具体的分析,也总是处于一种大的理论框架之中。 目录 Introduction: Realism and Its Antinomies PART ONE:THE ANTINOMIES OF REALISM I The Twin Sources of Realism: The Narrative Impulse II TheTwin Sources of Realism: Affect, or, the Body's Present III Zola, or, the Codification of Affect IV Tolstoy, or, Distraction V Perez Gald6s, or, theWaning of Protagonicity VI George Eliot and Mauvaise Foi VII Realism and the Dissolution of Genre VIII The Swollen Third Person, or, Realism after Realism IX Coda: Kluge, or, Realism after Affect PART TWO:THE LOGIC OF THE MATERIAL I The Experiments of Time: Providence and Realism II War and Representation III The Historical Novel Today, or, Is It Still Possible? Index