内容推荐 王缉思主编的《中国国际战略评论(2017)(英文版)》深刻分析了当下大国国际战略和世界热点问题,探讨了今后一段时期中国对外战略,具有极强现实意义与学术价值。本书是《中国国际战略评论2014》、《中国国际战略评论2015》、《中国国际战略评论2016》的延续产品,“中国国际战略评论”系列已经成为我局当代学术类、思想类的拳头产品和品牌项目,引起海内外多方关注,在国际智库界和学界已产生了一定的影响力,本书的出版将进一步扩大该项目的国际影响力。 目录 American Leadership and the Future of the Liberal International Order China and the Crisis in the Liberal International Order American Presidential Election 2016 and the Post-Election Trends in American Politics Fake or Fortune -- Trump's Economic Policy and Its Prospective Consequences "America First" Foreign Policy of the Trump Administration: An Initial Observation and Analysis The "Trump Phenomenon" and China's Strategic Choices The Role of China in Global Economic Governance From Connectivity to Development: Evolution of CPEC's Connotations Assessment of Gwadar Port Construction under CPEC Comparing China's and India's Aid to Afghanistan The Development of Sino-Myanmar Relationship Since Aung San Suu Kyi Took Power in Myanmar Cooperation amidst Distrust in Indonesia's Foreign Policy Behavior towards China: A Neoclassical Realist Approach China's Assistance to Africa and International Cooperation: Concept, History and Challenges TPP's Setback and the Future of the Asia-Pacific Economic Order Forms of Power Transition in Central Asian Countries and Their Assessments Brexit, the EU and Asia: The End of European Liberalism? The European Refugee Crisis and China's Responses The Western Pacific Naval Symposium and Regional Naval Cooperation The Perception Gap in the THAAD Dispute - Causes and Solutions Japan's New Security Bills: Strategic Considerations and Policy Trends