内容推荐 由刘莉莉著,张瑞卿译的《收藏幸福(英文版)》讲述了著名的女芭蕾舞演员王艳平在离开舞台后,收藏囍字,成为具有独特艺术品味,具有一定影响力的收藏家的人生故事。她在收藏各种各样带有囍字装饰的首饰、服装、证件的过程中,寻找着中国人的幸福记忆,编织着自己丰满的人生。 作者简介 刘莉莉,80后北京女孩,跟所有北京人一样,心里装着地球。父母都是外交宫,自小跟着大人走世界、看天下。 22岁,从外交学院国际法系毕业,进入新华社国际部工作;25岁,常驻墨西哥新华社拉美总分社,踏上了《百年孤独》作者马尔克斯笔下那片古老而神奇的大陆;27岁,回到祖国,成了一手作“高大上”通稿、一手写“小清新”随笔的、“人格分裂型”作者。 目录 Chapter 1 "If you want to become a ballet star, you have to start with 'sweeping.'" "My parents gave me life, but you have given me a career." Scolding Creates a White Swan "Crazy Girl" on the Stage It's Never too Late to Learn Chapter 2 囍-- Pas de Deux "I've decided to collect and research 囍 items from now on." "You may lose, but never have regrets." Chapter 3 囍-- Gratifying Sweetness Proof of Love Each Mother Is a Great Artist Happy Lives in the Enamel Age Brides in Red Ascend the Bridal Sedan Chapter 4 The Woman Who Owns More 囍 than Anyone Else in the World Dongzi the Painter: The "Big White Swan" Guards Our 囍 Xie Suzhen: Collecting Is Like Being in Love Mao Lizi: Yanping Is a Clever Collector Zhuangzhuang and Jiajia: Future Inheritors of Mom's 囍 Appendix For Self and for Society Epilogue If 囍 Is Retained, Can Happiness Be Far Away?