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书名 | 数字基础(第10版英文影印版)/国外电子与电气工程经典图书系列 |
分类 | 科学技术-工业科技-电子通讯 |
作者 | (美)弗洛伊德 |
出版社 | 科学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 弗洛伊德著的这本《数字基础(第10版英文影印版)》全面论述了数字电路设计的基础知识,结合练习、实例和插图,对数字电路设计进行了高度精确的理论解释,故障诊断和应用都使用实际设备进行验证。内容包括数字电路概念、数字系统运作及编码、逻辑门、布尔数学运算和逻辑简化、组合逻辑电路分析及应用、可编程逻辑器件、触发器、计数器、移位记录器、记忆和存储、可编程逻辑及软件、信号接口和进程等。 本书可作为电类各专业数字系统课程的双语教材或参考书,也可供工程技术人员参考。 目录 1 Introductory Concepts 1-1 Digital and Analog Quantifies 1-2 Binary Digits, Logic Levels, and Digital Waveforms 1-3 Basic Logic Operations 1-4 Introduction to the System Concept 1-5 Fixed-Function Integrated Circuits 1-6 Test and Measurement Instruments 1-7 Introduction to Programmable Logic 2 Number Systems,Operations,and Codes 2-1 Decimal Numbers 2-2 Binary Numbers 2-3 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion 2-4 Binary Arithmetic 2-5 1's and 2's Complements of Binary Numbers 2-6 Signed Numbers 2-7 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers 2-8 Hexadecimal Numbers 2-9 Octal Numbers 2-10 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) 2-11 Digital Codes 2-12 Error Detection Codes 3 Logic Gates 3-1 The Inverter 3-2 The AND Gate 3-3 The OR Gate 3-4 The NAND Gate 3-5 The NOR Gate 3-6 The Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates 3-7 Fixed-Function Logic 3-8 Troubleshooting 3-9 Programmable Logic 4 Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification 4-2 Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra 4-3 DeMorgan's Theorems 4-4 Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits 4-5 Simpl~cation Using Boolean Algebra 4-6 Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions 4-7 Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables 4-8 The Karnaugh Map 4-9 Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization 4-10 Five-Variable Karnaugh Maps 4-11 Describing Logic with an HDL System Application Activity 5 Combinational Logic Analysis 5-1 Basic Combinational Logic Circuits 5-2 Implementing Combinational Logic 5-3 The Universal Property of NAND and NOR Gates 5-4 Combinational Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates 5-5 Logic Circuit Operation with Pulse Waveform Inputs 5-6 Troubleshooting 5-7 Combinational Logic with VHDL System Application Activity 6 Functions of Combinational Logic 6-1 Basic Adders 6-2 Parallel Binary Adders 6-3 Ripple Carry versus Look-Ahead Carry Adders 6-4 Comparators 6-5 Decoders 6-6 Encoders 6-7 Code Converters 6-8 Multiplexers (Data Selectors) 6-9 Demultiplexers 328 6-10 Parity Generators/Checkers 6-11 Troubleshooting 333 System Application Activity 7 Latches, Flip-Flops,and Timers 7-1 Latches 7-2 Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops 7-3 Flip-Hop Operating Characteristics 7-4 Flip-Flop Applications 7-5 One-Shots 7-6 The Astable Multivibrator 7-7 Troubleshooting System Application Activity 8 Counters 8-1 Asynchronous Counters 8-2 Synchronous Counters 8-3 Up/Down Synchronous Counters 8-4 Design of Synchronous Counters 8-5 Cascaded Counters 8-6 Counter Decoding 8-7 Counter Applications 8-8 Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation 8-9 Troubleshooting System Application Activity 9 Shift Registers 9-1 Basic Shift Register Operations 9-2 Serial In]Serial Out Shift Registers 9-3 Serial In]Parallel Out Shift Registers 9-4 Parallel In]Serial Out Shift Registers 9-5 Parallel In/Parallel Out Shift Registers 9-6 Bidirectional Shift Registers 9-7 Shift Register Counters 9-8 Shift Register Applications 9-9 Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation 9-10 Troubleshooting System Application Activity 10 Memory and Storage 10-1 Memory Basics 10-2 The Random-Access Memory (RAM) 10-3 The Read-Only Memory (ROM) 10-4 Programmable ROMs 10-5 The Flash Memory 10-6 Memory Expansion 10-7 Special Types of Memories 10-8 Magnetic and Optical Storage 10-9 Troubleshooting System Application Activity 11 Programmable Logic and Software 11-1 Programmable Logic: SPLDs and CPLDs 11-2 Altera CPLDs 11-3 Xilinx CPLDs 11-4 Macrocells 11-5 Programmable Logic: FPGAs 11-6 Altera FPGAs 11-7 Xilinx FPGAs 11-8 Programmable Logic Software 11-9 Boundary Scan Logic 11-10 Troubleshooting System Application Activity 12 Signal Interfacing and Processing 12-1 Converting Analo |
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