内容推荐 侯先绒、刘胜兵主编的《英释国学经典选读》课题组从璨如星海的传统国学经典中精心选出《周易》《庄子》《论语》《中庸》《史记》《孙子兵法》《黄帝内经》和《聊斋志异》八部经典,既有百经之首、医之始祖,又有儒道瑰宝、兵学圣典,还有史家绝唱、短篇巨著、横贯历史长河,纵览上下数千年。不仅如此,这些国学经典均在不同历史时期为国内外译者屡次翻译推介,可见其在中国文化史和人类文明史上具有举足轻重的地位。课题组选择这些经典及其译文可以帮助学生体会经典的魅力、文化的影响力和翻译的创作力,为讲好中国故事、传播中国文化做好准备。 目录 Unit1 The Zhou Book of Change Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings On the Trigrams Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit2 Zhuangzi the Book Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings Free and Easy Wandering Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit3 The Analects of Confucius Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings Education Benevolence Wisdom Philosophy Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit4 The Doctrine of the Mean Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings Chapter One Chapter Twenty Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit5 Records of the Historian Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings Xiang Yu Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit6 The Art of War Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings Making Assessments Attacking by Stratagem Weakness and Strength Nine Regions Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit7 Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings Chapter 2 Comprehensive Discourse on Regulating the Spirit in Accordance with the Qi of the Four Seasons Chinese Philosophy Practice References Unit8 Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio Introduction Learning Objectives Selected Readings The Taoist Priest of Laoshan Painted Skin Nie Xiaoqian Inspectorate of Misdeeds Chinese Philosophy Practice References Appendix Ⅰ Key to Practice Appendix Ⅱ Glossary Appendix Ⅲ 汉英词汇表