内容推荐 根据教育部相关文件规定,为满足医学院校临床医学专业双语教学和来华留学生教学的需要,在调研、论证的基础上组织编写本套教材。 奥尔拉·麦卡德尔著的《肿瘤学(供临床医学专业及来华留学生MBBS双语教学用改编教学版全国高等学校教材)》为英文版规划教材之一,在引进外版教材的基础上,根据我国教学实际情况进行改编,以使知识体系和主要内容基本符合教学大纲的要求。 According to the surveys conducted by the People's Medical Publishing House in tens of Chinese medical colleges, a series of English textbooks for students specializing in clinical medicine or international students in China was generally lacking. To meet the bilingual educational requirement and improve the educational quality of international students, we adapted the original English textbook with permission of the primary editor-in-chief and the Elsevier company, to whom we are really grateful . We do appreciate the hard work of all the editorial board members and the assistance of the People's Medical Publishing House. 目录 The oncology patient History and clinical examination Investigations Staging and survival statistics Therapeutic options Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Targeted therapy Surgical oncology Breast cancer Breast cancer Carcinoma in situ and early breast cancer Locally advanced breast cancer(LABC)and inflammatory breast cancer(IBC) Lung cancer Lung cancer Non-small cell lung cancer Small cell lung cancer Mesothelioma Gastrointestinal cancers Colorectal cancer Gastric cancer Oesophageal cancer Anal canal cancer Hepatobiliary malignancies Gynaecological cancers Cervical cancer Uterine cancer Ovarian cancer Lower tract gynaecological cancers Gestational trophoblastic disease Genitourinary cancers Kidney cancer Prostate cancer Testicular cancer Other genitourinary cancers Head and neck cancer Head and neck cancer - 1 Head and neck cancer - 2 Head and neck cancer - 3 Haematological cancer Acute leukaemia Chronic leukaemia Plasma cell dyscrasias Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) Hodgkin's lymphoma(HL) Malignancy in childhood Paediatric oncology Primary central nervous system malignancy in children Neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma Other sites Skin cancers Endocrine cancer Primary centrad nervous system cancer in adults Primary bone cancer Carcinoma of unknown primary(CUP) Oncological emergencies Neutropenic sepsis Spinal cord compression Superior vena cava obstruction Metabolic emergencies Palliative care Pain management Specific metastatic conditions End of life issues Other topics Cancer genetics Late effects of treatment Pregnancy and cancer Paraneoplastic syndromes Immunosuppression and malignancy Clinical trials Cancer screening Additional reading and sources of information Subject index