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内容推荐 “德古意特认知语言学研究丛书”从德古意特出版社遴选引进,从不同角度呈现了认知语言学应用研究的前沿成果。德克·吉拉兹编的《认知语言学--基础读本(英文版)》是其中一册,是认知语言学的入门阅读,汇集了本研究领域20篇由大师撰写的奠基性的论文,探讨了认知语言学的基本概念和实践研究。 目录 Introduction A rough guide to Cognitive Linguistics Dirk Geeraerts Chapter 1 Cognitive Grammar Introduction to Concept, Image, and Symbol Ronald W. Langacker Chapter 2 Grammatical construal The relation of grammar to cognition Leonard Talmy Chapter 3 Radial network Cognitive topology and lexical networks Claudia Brugman and George Lakoff Chapter 4 Prototype theory Prospects and problems of prototype theory Dirk Geeraerts Chapter 5 Schematic network Ambiguity, polysemy, and vagueness David Tuggy Chapter 6 Conceptual metaphor The contemporary theory of metaphor George Lakoff Chapter 7 Image schema The cognitive psychological reality of image schemas and their transformations Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. and Herbert L. Colston Chapter 8 Metonymy The role of domains in the interpretation of metaphors and metonymies William Croft Chapter 9 Mental spaces Conceptual integration networks Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner Chapter 10 Frame semantics Frame semantics Charles J. Fillmore Chapter 11 Construction Grammar The inherent semantics of argument structure: The case of the English ditransitive construction Adele E. Goldberg Chapter 12 Usage-based linguistics First steps toward a usage-based theory of language acquisition Michael Tomasello Epilogue Trajectories for further reading Dirk Geeraerts