内容推荐 中国传统画是中国五千年灿烂文明的重要内容,这种以毛笔、墨、绢纸为主要工具、以点线结构为主要表现手段的造型艺术有着深厚的传统和极其独特的民族风格。而20世纪的中国绘画则体现了中国艺术从传统走向现代的发展进程,反映了对西方艺术的引进、吸收和中西艺术的碰撞、融合等多种复杂形态。随着中国绘画作品在重大国际艺术品拍卖会上身价迅速攀升,越来越多的外国人对中国绘画艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。林茨著的《中国绘画(英文版)(精)/中华之美丛书》一改过去作品鉴赏的写法,突出绘画艺术与中国文化的密切关系,讲述绘画语言、画家、画风背后的文化故事。 作者简介 林茨Lin ci (1958--2009), original name ZhangQian, graduated from the Zhejiang Academyof Art and China Art Research Institute, wherehe earned an M.A. degree. He was a researchfellow with China Art Research Institute,specializing in art history and visual arts.His major books include Accordion PleatedSkirts, Gospel Valley, and Mango Trees. Hismonograph Photography will soon be publishedby SDX Joint Publishing Company. 目录 Preface From Gu Kaizhi to Wu Daozi Tomb Chamber Paintings The Most Romantic Painting "Communication of the Soul" Spring Outing (You-Chun TU) Emperors of Great Prosperity Another Figure Painting "The Painting Saga" Famous Paintings Record of Past Dynasties (Li-dai ming-hua ji) Desert Treasures Buddhism Going East Dunhuang Mogao Caves Lucid Mountains and Remote Streams Northern Painters and Southern Painters Song Huizong and his period Along the River During the Qingming Festival (Qingming Shanghe Tu) Panorama Shanshui Su Shi and Mi Fu Scholar Paintings Zhao Mengfu and "Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty" Plum Blossom, Orchid, Bamboo and Stone "The Southern and Northern Sects" "Four Monks" and "Four Wangs" The End of Scholar Paintings and Famous Chinese Painters of Modern Times Modern Chinese Paintings Painters Studying Abroad Revolutionary Realism "Modern" and "Post-Modern" |