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本文将于5月7日开V,32章到42章会在同一天入V,看过的童鞋表买哦。 ps:开V当天会连更三章,希望大家多多捧场! Long long ago, is in the depths of the sea, there is a mermaid Kingdom, the kingdom in the deepest place of the sea, even with the world's longest boat anchor can't touch. but there is not having white sand only, you can see the strangest plants, the most spectacular waterfalls, and the most brilliant sunshine of the world. The mermaid king of the kingdom lived in a castle with his mother and six daughters… Wait, I think, to describe this story is more appropriate in Chinese. 很久很久以前,在大海的最深处,有一处世界上最长的船锚也无法触及到的地方,那里常年被险恶的漩涡包围着,连最凶猛的鲨鱼也不能靠近,水中仅仅有微不可查的浮游生物可以存活。但在这漩涡之中,有一个天然形成的洞穴,传说里面住着一个鱼族,她长相丑陋,心灵恶毒,拥有最强的法术,杀人于无形,残暴凶残,麻木不仁。 这个没下限奇妙的故事,就是从这个黑暗的海底峡谷开始的…… 【中英文内容完全不一样啊喂?!口胡!明明就是一模一样!(童话试水,欢迎毒舌)】 《[童话]Hunter狩猎记》