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书名 | 禅意东方(居住空间Ⅺ)(精) |
分类 | 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化 |
作者 | 黄滢,马勇主编 |
出版社 | 华中科技大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《禅意东方》一直关注如何将禅的文化与当代空间设计结合起来。本期为《禅意东方》的第11期《居住空间》,由黄滢、马勇主编,收录了中式风格的经典室内设计45个,每一个案例都在融入了先进的设计思想与设计理念的同时,也将浓郁的东方文化融入其中,个性化的装饰、人性化的设计、东方禅意的氛围营造,将空间的实用性、艺术性与美观性融为一体,创造当代优雅生活,让读者从浅至深、由外而内的感受中式设计的精妙之处。 目录 住宅空间 Living Spaces 为心安家,情趣盎然,乐在其中 Happy at Home for Heart 门外沧桑,门内过往,品味悠然时光 Go Through the Vicissitudes of Life and Enjoy Leisure Time 邻里相亲,内外皆美,小别墅组合的大院落 A Courtyard Compound of Villa, an Amiable Neighborhood: Aesthetic Internal and External 中西合璧,暗香浮动 Fragrant in the Combination of the East and the West 山水迢迢青烟袅 Mist Above Remote Landscape 吴月雅境 Moonlit Garden 连云叠嶂,延展视域层次 Peaks Rising One After Another 清雅禅音 Zen Elegant 南亚禅境 Zen of South Asia 浓墨禅屋 Zen Dwelling in Thick Ink 名仕雅集,隐于都市之心 Refined Scholars Reclusive in Metropolis 城市游园 City Flaneur 枝形叶脉作景,园林之美入画 Branch and Leaf for Landscape, Gardening into Picture 空间仪式?·?存思守静 Spatial Ceremony: Thought in Peace and Quiet 破题 Interpreting the Theme 蓝色蒙古高原之梦 A Blue Dream Down Mongolia Plateau 都会隐仕,隐于形,逸于心 Reclusive in Metropolis: Physically Invisible, Mentally Happy 文字美学,越界而来 Character and Aesthetics Across Boundary 人文大宅,造就写意人生 Enjoyable Life at Cultural Mansion 筑砚 Ink Stone 以最舒适的温度,诠释休闲的生活 The Most Comfortable Temperature Interprets Life Leisure 秋色藏幽谷,内外皆有情 Autumn in Valley, Appealing Inside and Outside 宁静致远,意蕴东方 Tranquility Leads to Far Distance 淡水灰调 Gray in Dan Shui 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃 Original None Thing, Where the Dust Alight 山居岁月,浸润空灵气息 Be Lithe in Living in Mountain 观山拥海天地阔,长空万里自在飞 Overlook the vast mountains and seas and fly through the vast sky 不温不火,打造温璞明净的气质大宅 Mild and Gentle to Create Magnificent of a Mansion 层峰之上,世家华彩 Top Flat with Luxurious Decoration 留白写意,诗画人间 Blank in Picture, Poetic on Earth 引古援今,传统韵味的现代演绎 Modern Interpretation by the Classical and the Traditional 隔而不断,婉约恬静的美好 Partitioned in Connection, Beauty by Calm and Grace 田园牧歌,茶香袅袅 Idyllic Pastoral, Tea Fragrance 诗性的空间,心安的约定 A Space to be Poetic, an Appointment to Calm Heart 存在的哲思,生活的情愫 Philosophy for Existence, Passion for Life 因佛结缘,欢喜相生 Become Attached to Each other for Buddha, Happy and Joyful 素面朝天,回归生活本源 Plain and Primitive to Return to Life Source 鮀城茶事 酒店及其他空间 Hotels and Other Spaces Tea Drinking in Shantou 隐逸皇城边,浸润美景中 Reclusive Nearby the Imperial Palace, Lost in Beauty 凌空都市,超脱世外 A Metropolis Above Air, Detached from the Worldly 上风上水桃源美境 The Land of Peach Blossoms 人文美域,和光同尘,返璞归真 Cultural, Modest and Originally Simple 净心之所,冥想在时间深处 A Place to Meditate in the Depth of Time 境随心转 Let Ideas Thrive & Flourish 清新院落,集雅聚趣 Courtyard Refreshed and Refined |
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