庞超伟编著的这本《战争话语与战争合法性建构(一项基于布什伊战演讲语料库的批评话语研究)》的研究语料来自美国前总统乔治·布什2002年至2009年间发表的190篇各类演讲,以2003年5月布什宣布伊拉克战争大规模行动结束为界,将其分为战争前后两个子语料库。通过对比研究,揭示战后美国政府在遭受各方质疑和指责的情况下,如何调整话语策略,重建战争的合法性。对语料的处理、分析使用了Wordsmith 5.0、UAM Corpustool,以及词性赋码工具Claws4。通过基于内容的主题分析,本研究发现布什为了重建伊拉克战争合法性,在战后话语中调整了策略。
Chapter One Introduction: Discourse, War Legitimacy and the Iraq War
1.1 Background
1.2 The notion of discourse
1.3 Discourse and war
1.4 Iraq War discourse studies: an overview
1.5 Research objectives
1.6 Data
1.7 Chapter overview
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework and Methodology
2.1 Critical discourse analysis
2.2 Analyzing war legitimation discourse in an interdisciplinary framework
2.3 Corpus-based CDA
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Organization and Reorganization of Clusters and Constellations in Iraq War Discourse
3.1 Overview
3.2 Content-based analysis
3.3 Data description
3.4 Discussion
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Axiologicai Investigation: Appraisal Analysis
4.1 The theoretical foundation of the appraisal framework
4.2 Corpus approach to appraisal analysis
4.3 Inscribed attitude analysis
4.4 Engagement analysis
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Epistemic Investigation: Transitivity Analysis
5.1 Epistemic relations and ideational meaning
5.2 Corpus approach to transitivity analysis
5.3 Data description and explanation
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six A Complementary Perspective: Analyzing Text as It Unfolds
6.1 Complementarity of quantitative and qualitative approaches
6.2 Samples for analysis
6.3 Appraisal analysis
6.4 Transitivity analysis
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Summary of the findings
7.2 Research significance and implications
7.3 Limitations and suggestions for further study
Appendix A Corpus of Presidential Speeches
Appendix B Keyword Lists
Appendix C Claws 4 Tag Set for Verbs