Preface Ⅰ Mamnonn Hussain
Preface Ⅱ Sun Weidong
Cherish the Memory of Premier Zhou Enlai's First Visit to Pakistan
Pakistani Friends Cherish the Memory of Premier Zhou Enlai
Forefathers Plant the Trees for Descendants to Rest in the Shade
The Chinese Faithful Pals Pakistan
Precious Memories
Touching Stories about the Friendship between China and Pakistan
My Story about Pakistan
My Memory of Kinship with Pakistan
My Experiences with President Mamnoon Hussain
Missing Karachi
Two Short Stories
Memorable Experiences in Pakistan
If You Love China, Please Love Pakistan, Too!
My Cultural Tour to Pakistan
From Shaker Parian to Taxila
My Emotion on Urdu
Poetry, a Link of Friendship
Pakistan — Land I'll Miss Forever!
A Story of China-Pakistan Cultural Communications
My Old Friend Mr.Habib-ur Rahman
The Most Sincere Friendship, the Most Valuable Cooperation
My Story about Pakistan
Interviews with Builders of the Karakoram Highway
Dongfang Electric Corporation Experience of Projects in Pakistan
Working Together to Rescue Chinese Mountaineers