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书名 固体力学及其应用--丁皓江论文选集
分类 科学技术-自然科学-物理
作者 丁皓江
出版社 浙江大学出版社

丁皓江等编著的《固体力学及其应用——丁皓江论文选集》涉及横观各向同性材料、压电材料、磁电材料和功能梯度材料和结构(如矩形板、球壳和圆柱壳等)的力学分析,采用有限单元法、加权残数法、边界元法和状态空间法等多种研究手段,其中关于压电材料的通解和格林函数为后续工作奠定了扎实的基础。 本论文选集是丁皓江教授多年研究工作的精选,涉及的研究内容和对象非常广泛,采用的方法和手段多样,中英文篇幅适中,非常适合相关学科的研究人员参考和收藏。







The Method of Weighted Residuals for Transversely Isotropic Axisymmetric Problems

and Its Applications to Engineering

General Solutions of Axisymmetric Problems in Transversely Isotropic Body


Transition Elements Matching the Near Crack—tip Strain Field


Solutions to Equations of Vibrations of Spherical and Cylindrical Shells

The Stochastic Boundary Element Method in Statistical Analysis of Moderately

Thick Plates

Point Force Solutions for a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Layer

A Study of Effects of the Earth’S Radial Anisotropy on the Tidal Stress Field

General Solutions for Coupled Equations for Piezoelectric Media

Low Cycle Fatigue Stress—Strain Relation Model of Cyclic Hardening or Cyclic

Softening Materials

An h—Type Adaptive Finite Element

Nonaxisymmetric Free Vibrations of a Spherically Isotropic Spherical Shell Embedded

in an Elastic Medium

The United Point Force Solution for Both Isotropic and Transversely Isotropic Media

On the Green,s Functions for Two—phase Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Media

Green’s Functions for a Two—phase Infinite Piezoelectric Plane

Free Vibrations of Piezoelectric Cylindrical Shells Filled with Compressible Fluid

The Wedge Subj ected to Tractions Proportional to广:a Paradox Resolved

The Analysis of Thermal Residual Stresses Near the Apex in Bonded Dissimilar Materials

S01utions for Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Infinite Body,Semi—Infinite Body and Bimaterial Infinite Body Subj ected to Uniform Ring Loading and Charge

An Axisymmetric Interface Edge of Bonded Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric

Materials under’rorsion

New State Space Formulations for Transversely Isotropic Piezoelasticity with Application

The Elastic and E1ectric Fields for Three—Dimensional Contact for Transversely

Isotropic Piezoelectric Materials

Free Axisymmetric Vibration of Laminated Transversely Isotropic Annular Plates

A General S01ution for Piezothermoeiasticity of Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric

Materials and Its Applications

Three-Dimensional Static Analysis of Multi—Layered Piezoelectric Hollow Spheres Via

the State Space Method

The Transient Responses of Piezoelectric Hollow Cylinders for Axisymmetric Plane

Strain Problems

The ElliDtical Hertzian Contact of Transversely Isotropic Magnetoelectroelastic Bodies

The Fundamental Solutions for Transversely Isotropic Magnetoelectroelastic Media

and Boundary Integral Formulation

Dvnamic Solution of a Multilayered Orthotropic Piezoelectric Hollow Cylinder for

Axisymmetric Plane Strain Problems

Analvtical Solutions to Piezoelectric gimorphs Based on Improved FSDT Beam Model

Elasticity Solutions for Plane Anisotropic Functionally Graded Beams

Three—Dimensional Analytical Solution for a Rotating Disc of Functionally Graded Materials with Transverse Isotropy

Elasticity Solutions for a Transversely Isotropic Functionally Graded Circular Plate Subj ect to a Transverse Load qrk

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