<LEUTMOTIVE LEITMOTIFS>: In the work of Austrian sculptor Christian Ruschitzka (born 1962), everyday objects that are taken for granted find themselves tested. Items of found furniture are "skinned"; individual layers of enamel in plastic wrap are paraded on the wall; garden rakes are elevated to the status of pylons. This volume surveys works of the past 12 years.
Gerald Bast
Margarete Heek
Roman Horak
Brigitte Felderer
Erinnerung formen
Forming Memory
Robert Pfaller
Die zum Stillstand gebrachten
Furien des Verschwindens
The Furies of Disappearance
Have Been Brought to a Standstill
Guido Magnaguagno
Vom Absurden im Sichtbaren
On the Absurdity of the Visible
Eva Blimlinger
Ruzi-ein Sommer damals
Ruzi-A Summer Way Back When
... und dann kippte plotzlich der Kopf
Ein Interview rnit dem
Kunstler yon Sasha Pirker
... And Then Suddenly Everything
Turned Topsy-Turvy
an interview with the artist
by Sasha Pirker
Christian Ruschitzka
Dank an/Thanks to
Biografien / Biographies