《WATERSCAPES CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPING》(本社)Human beings have always entertained a special fascination for the element of water. It is deep and inscrutable, while at the same time the sight of it is calming and energizing. The architectural design with water offers many opportunities and is not just limited to gardens and the outdoors. Especially in the urban context, pools, waterfalls and trick fountains are oases of calm and provide a creative impulse for urban planning. 50 current examples are displayed in this volume with texts, illustrations and plans.
Lake Michelle
Tanya de Vi[liers
CNdV Afdca
Lite-On Headquarters
SWA Group
Innerscapes Designs
Hong Kong Wetland Park
Urbis Limited
Architectural Services Department
Bassi[ Mountain Escape
Vladimir Djurovic Landscape Architecture
Kamal Homsi
Xilinx Colorado Corporate Campus
Dtj Design
Dtj Design - Architecture
Urban Dock LaLaport Toyosu
Laguarda.Low Architects
Casa Cor 2006
Marcelo Novaes Paysagismo LDTA.
Acuario Fluvial EXPO Zaragoza
A[varo Planchuelo
Bundesplatz Swiss Federal Piazza
Stauffenegger + Stutz
Stephan Mundwi[er
Stanley Park Salmon Stream
PWL Landscape Architects
Remanso de [as Condes
Arqui-K Arquitectura + Paisaje
Karla A[iaga
Carol Lit-in
Omar Garrido
Water Treatment Park Met Lankheet
Strootman Landscape Architects, Amsterdam
Ridge and Valley
Stacv Lew
Mtr Landscape Architects
Freedom Park
NLA Bagale GREENinc Momo Joint Venture
Office of Collaborative Architects
Zhengzhou University Campus Center
Beijing Turen Design Institution/Turenscape
Kongjian Yu
Shihong Ling
Jing Niu
Yang Pan
Parc Central
Latz + Partner
Latz Rieh[ Partner
Place des Nations
Christian Drevet Architecture
Ar[ette Ortis
Opus 22
Marpa Design Studio
Sears Barrett Architects
Holstebro Storaa Stream
OKRA landschapsarchitecten bv
Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten
GTL Landschaftsarchitekten
TEC PCM, Maier Neuberger Architekten
Dragon Castle Park
Palm Landscape Planning & Design Institute,
Palm Landscape Architecture Co. Ltd.
Wenying Zhang
Wei He
Marpa Landscape Design Studio
Semple/Brown Architects
Katharina Sulzer-Platz
vetschpartner Landschaftsarchitekten AG Zurich
Chelsea Courtyard
Charlotte Rowe Garden Design
Floating Islands of Sunflowers
Ryumei Fujiki + Fujiki Studio, KOU::ARC
Stonehurst Mountain Estate
Tanya de Villiers
CNdV Africa
Estate Hageveld
Bureau Atte Hosper
De Stijlgroep
MYJ groep
General Mills Corporate Campus
Bao Yuan Garden
Palm Landscape Planning & Design Institute,
Palm Landscape Architecture
Wenying Zhang
Hualin Xu
North Island
Patrick Watson
Greg Wepene
Silvio Resch
Lesley Carstens
Information Center Nolte-Kiichen
Nagel Landschaftsarchitel<ten BDLA
Terminator 2: 3D and Aquazone Plaza
Rios Clementi Hale Studios
Big Sky
North Design Office
Pampulha Ecological Park
Gustavo Penna Arquiteto & Associados
Gustavo Penna
Alvarro Hardy
Mariza Machado Coelho
Cool Contemporary Classic
Charlotte Rowe Garden Design
Aramsa Garden Spa
Formwerkz Architects
Minato-Mirai Business Square
Henry C. Beck Jr. Park
Beck Group
Hong Luo Club
MAD architects
Fairview Estate
Tanya de Villiers
CNdV Africa
Parque del Agua
Lorenzo Castro J.
Juan Camilo Santamaria D.
Sergio Garcia C.
Index Creatives
Index Places