《《马丁文集(6批评话语分析\\积极话语分析)》》为《马丁文集》第6卷,收录了马丁自20世纪80年代至今发表的114篇文章,内容涉及语言与意识形态的关系。《《马丁文集(6批评话语分析\\积极话语分析)》》收录的2004年题为Positive DiscourseAnalysis:Solidarity and Change的论文初创了积极话语分析的理论模型,2007年题为English for Peace:Towards a Framework of Peace Sociolinguistics:Response的论文提供了讨论后现代现状的系统功能语言学视角,发人深省。
The Author's Introduction
Grammaticalising Ecology: The Politics of Baby Seals and Kangaroos(1986)
Language and Control: Fighting with Words(1990)
Contratextuality: The Poetics of Subversion (with Anne Cranny-Francis)(1991)
Close Reading: Functional Linguistics as a Tool for Critical Discourse Analysis(2000)
Mapping Meaning: Profiling with Integrity in a Post-Modern World(with Robert McCormack 2001)
Blessed are the Peacemakers: Reconciliation and Evaluation(2002)
Voicing the 'Other': Reading and Writing Indigenous Australians(2003)
Negotiating Difference: Ideology and Reconciliation(2004)
Positive Discourse Analysis: Solidarity and Change(2004)
Vernacular Deconstruction: Undermining Spin(2006)
English for Peace: Towards a Framework of Peace Sociolinguistics:Response(2007)
Materializing Reconciliation: Negotiating Difference in a Transcolonial Exhibition(with Maree Stenglin)(2007)
Encounters with Genre: Apprehending Cultural Frontiers(with David Rose2010)
Recontextualising Indigenous Culture: Genres, Interests and Multimodal Affordances(with David Rose)(in press)