Chapter 01 走进经济学殿堂
1.1 Frigging Currency 货币:要命的孔方兄 2
1.2 Inflation: Wealth Reaper 通货膨胀:财富收割机 4
1.3 Economic Crisis 经济危机 7
1.4 GDP Does Not Equal Happiness GDP不等于幸福 9
1.5 Game Theory: The Fatal Equilibrium 博弈论:致命的均衡 11
1.6 Liquidity Risk and the Current Crisis 流动性风险与次贷危机 13
1.7 Economies of Scale Out of Date 规模经济,明日黄花? 15
1.8 Big Mac Index 巨无霸指数 17
1.9 Hemline Economy 裙摆经济学 19
1.10 The Best Alternative to a New Global Currency 新全球货币 21
1.11 The Matthew Effect: Secret Behind Monopoly Game 马太效应:垄断者游戏背后的秘密 23
Chapter 02 十大经济学原理
2.1 People Face Tradeoffs :You Can't Eat Your Cake and Have It Too 鱼与熊掌,两难抉择 27
2.2 Opportunity Cost: Lose on the Swings, Get Back on the Roundabouts 机会成本:失之东隅,收之桑榆 29
2.3 Marginal Utility: Quantitative Change Brings Fundamental Change 边际效应:量变带来质变 32
2.4 People Respond to Incentives 人们对激励会有所反应 34
2.5 Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off 贸易使双方受益 36
2.6 Markets Operates Better 市场经济运作得更好 38
2.7 Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes 市场失灵,政府出手 40
2.8 Countries' Productivity Does Mean 国家产出高,民众才幸福 42
2.9 Prices Rise When the Government Prints Too Much Money 政府印钱多,物价就飞涨 44
2.10 Inflation and Unemployment: Hare to Balance 通货膨胀与失业:难以平衡 47
Chapter 03 纵览金融市场
3.1 Finance Theories 金融理论全接触 50
3.2 Financial Crisis: Practical Aspect 金融危机之实践篇 52
3.3 Financial Crisis: Theoreticc Aspect 金融危机之理论篇 55
3.4 Rules for Financial Trades 金融交易的金科玉律 57
3.5 K Line Chart 股票:浮沉K线图 59
3.6 The "Grand Bargain" Is Just a Start 欧元迷梦 61
3.7 Venture Capital 风险投资 63
3.8 Investment Banking 投资银行 65
3.9 Mutual Funds 共同基金 67
3.10 Pure Alpha 顶级对冲基金 70
3.11 Will RMB Rise or Not? 人民币升值:让人欢喜让人忧 72
3.12 Panic Hot Money 热钱来袭,风声鹤唳 74
3.13 Warren Buffet's Sayings (1) 沃伦?巴菲特如是说之一 77
3.14 Warren Buffet's Sayings (2) 沃伦?巴菲特如是说之二 79
3.15 Soros: Philosophy Is Beyond Finance 索罗斯:超越金融的哲学 81
Chapter 04 商业万花筒
4.1 Walking Up to Federal Reserve 走近美联储 85
4.2 Tantalizing Gold Price 黄金价格诱人心 87
4.3 Sensitive Oil Price 敏感的油价 89
4.4 Emerging Markets 新兴市场紫气东来 92
4.5 China Lights a Fire in Global Dealmaking 巨龙出手 94
4.6 Food Crisis 粮食危机谁买单 96
4.7 Dotconomy 网络经济 98
4.8 The Emerging Online Giants 网络投资巨擘浮出水面 100
4.9 Smart-Phone Lawsuits 智能电话专利之争 102
4.10 Why Superstars Earn So Much 超级明星为何财源滚滚 105
4.11 Why Small Business Result in Failure 中小企业缘何早夭 107
Chapter 05 打理私人小金库
5.1 Money and Financial Freedom 金钱与财富自由 111
5.2 Property, Not Only Property 房子,绝不仅仅是房子 113
5.3 Simple Interest and Compound Interest 利率知多少 115
5.4 Art Investment 艺术投资 117
Chapter 06 心理学空间
6.1 Personality Psychology 个性心理学 121
6.2 Developmental Psychology: Secrets of Development 发展心理学:成长的奥秘 124
6.3 Cognitive Psychology 认知心理学 126
6.4 Social Psychology 社会心理学 128
6.5 Positive Psychology 积极心理学 130
6.6 Unconscious Mind 潜意识 132
6.7 Educational Psychology 教育心理学 135
6.8 Love Psychology 恋爱心理学 137
6.9 Sport Psychology 运动心理学 139
6.10 Color Psychology 色彩心理学 142
6.11 Abnormal Psychology 变态心理学 144
6.12 Criminal Psychology 犯罪心理学 146
Chapter 07 人文精粹
7.1 Culture Nutures Our Hearts 文化冶人心 150
7.2 The Will to Power 通货膨胀:财富收割机 152
7.3 Ethic: Between Kind and Evil 伦理:善恶之间 154
7.4 Death: Ultimate Philosophical Proposition 死亡:终极哲学命题 156
7.5 Encouragement: Sharp Edge of a Sword Comes Out from Grinding 励志:宝剑锋从磨砺出 158
7.6 Morality 道德 160
7.7 Lifelong Study 终身学习 162
7.8 Shinning Wisdom 智慧之光 164
7.9 Moulding of Character 品性陶冶 166
7.10 Merciless War 战争:一将功成万骨枯 168
7.11 Law: The Shelter of a Society 法律:社会的屏障 170
7.12 Live or Die 生存抑或毁灭 172
7.13 Protection of Environment 环境保护 174
Chapter 08 科技前沿
8.1 A Green World 美丽“绿”世界 177
8.2 Electric Cars Look Beautiful 电动汽车:看上去很美 179
8.3 Artificial Intelligence 人机关系大未来 181
8.4 Being Digital 数字化生存 183
8.5 Genetic Testing Comes 基因检测驾到 185
8.6 Smartphone in Time 智能手机正当时 187
8.7 E-reading: Reading of the Future 电子书:阅读的未来 189
8.8 SEO: Way of Search Engine Optimization SEO:搜索引擎优化指南 191
8.9 Social Network 社交化的网络人际关系 193
8.10 Mobile Network 移动着的互联网 196
8.11 All-Encompassing Cloud Computing 囊括一切的云计算 198
8.12 In Praise of Wikipedia 维基百科颂歌 201
8.13 Globalization: A Double-Edged Sword 全球化双刃剑 203
8.14 Antimatter Was Caught for the First Time 反物质首次被捕捉 205
Chapter 09 艺术与青春哲学
9.1 Silent Big Beauty 大美无言 209
9.2 Distinguished Painting 丹青风流 211
9.3 Music: Melody That Cannot Be Told 旋律道不尽 213
9.4 Literature 笔墨神韵写人生 215
9.5 Poetry 诗言志,歌咏言 217
9.6 Rules of Designs 工业设计的应用法则 219
9.7 Youth 青春哲学 221
9.8 Essence of Happiness 幸福哲学 223
9.9 Love: Tow Hearts at One 爱情哲学 225
9.10 Pure Friendship 友谊哲学 227