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书名 | 大学英语四六级晨读经典365(附光盘春日激情篇第3版) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 江涛//肖敏 |
出版社 | 石油工业出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 江涛、肖敏主编的《大学英语四六级晨读经典365(附光盘春日激情篇第3版)》为春日激情篇,精选励志类文章,让读者在阅读中,不仅增长见识,还能提高应试水平,分为四个单元:青春飞扬、梦想天堂、志存高远、成功之路,内容难度与大学英语的学习要求一致。为了扫除读者的阅读障碍,编者将重难点单词标注释义。 目录 Unit 1 青春感悟 DAY 1 Youth 青春 DAY 2 We're Just Beginning 一切刚开始 DAY 3 Yesterday, TodayandTomorrow 昨天、今天,还有明天 DAY 4 Happiness Is a Journey 快乐是一种行程 DAY 5 Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal 人生不是一次彩排 DAY 6 Value Youth 珍惜青春 DAY 7 I Will Live This Day as if It Is My Last 我将把今天当作生命末日来度过 DAY 8 SlowDown 放慢你的舞步 DAY 9 RealizeOurDreamsinYouth 珍惜青春时光,成就我们的梦想 DAY 1O Rush 匆匆 DAY 11 Whilst It Is Prim 青春当欢乐 DAY 12 Three Days to See(I) 假如给我三天光明(1) DAY 13 Three Days to See(II) 假如给我三天光明(2) DAY 14 Write Your Own Life 书写人生 DAY 15 I'm Special 我是独一无二的 DAY 16 The Flight of Youth 青春飞逝 DAY 17 If 假如 DAY 18 If Were a Boy Again 假如我又回到了童年 DAY 19 Catch of a Life Time 一生的收获 DAY 20 Relish the Moment 品味现在 Unit 2 梦想天堂 DAY 21 Everyone Has a Dream 人人都有梦想 DAY 22 A Little Girl's Dream 一个小女孩的梦想 DAY23 A Story of Hope 一个关于希望的故事 DAY24 Reaching the Top of the Mountain 攀登峰顶 DAY 25 Change Begins With Choice 改变源于选择 DAY26 ifthe Dream Is Big Enough,the Facts Don't Count 心中有目标,风雨不折腰 DAY 27 Surmounting Life's Obstacles Do You Cling to What You Were Before? 超越生命的障碍——你还在坚持原来的你吗? DAY 28 Don't Look Back 告别过去 DAY 29 Dear I, WhereAre You? 迷失自我 DAY 30 Chasing afterYourDream 追逐你的梦想 DAY 31 Never Stop Dreaming 别停下梦想的脚步 DAY 32 Dream Is Priceless 梦想无价 DAY 33 Larry's Lawn ChairRide 拉里的折椅之行 DAY 34 Are You Ignoring That Little Thought? 你还在忽略那些小想法吗? DAY 35 Dream Changes Life 梦想改变生活 DAY 36 A BrotherS Miracle 弟弟的奇迹 DAY 37 Making Your Dreams Come True 实现你的梦想 DAY 38 Dream Coming to Future 梦想成就未来 DAY 39 Your Work Is Recognizedt 你的工作是被认可的 DAY 40 TheseThingslWishforYOu 我对你的希望 DAY 41 Persist in Your Dream 坚持梦想 DAY 42 Just for Today 就为了今天 DAY 43 Grow Great by Dreams 因梦想而伟大 DAY 44 The Grass Is Always Green Right under Your Feet 自己脚下的草才是最葱郁的 DAY 45 Follow Your Dream 追随梦想 DAY 46 ThePower of Belief 信仰的力量 DAY 47 Go Easy and Enjoy Yourself in Harmony 飘逸而行 Unit 3 志存高远 DAY 48 Journey Called Life 有一种旅程叫做人生 DAY 49 Life is a Do-It-Yourself Project 生活是一项自己动手的工程 DAY 50 Impossible Is Nothing 一切皆有可能 DAY 51 Surrender to the Fact That Lfie Isn't Fair 承认事实,生活并不公平 DAY 52 Don't Sweat the Small Stuff 不必庸人自扰 DAY 53 Sitting on Your Talent 被搁置的才华 DAY 54 APsalmofLfie 生命的赞歌 DAY 55 Deciding to Live 永不言弃 DAY 56 Everything Happens for the Best 一切都会好的 DAY 57 WhereThereIs Life.ThereIsHope 活着便是希望 DAY 58 YouCanDoAnything 你无所不能 DAY 59 GoodThoughtstoKeepinMind 佳语话人生 DAY 60 Treat Everyday Life Positive 积极对待每一天 DAY 61 FreetoSoar 自由飞翔 DAY 62 The Lesson of the Bamboo Tree 竹子的启示 DAY 63 Don't Quit,Keep Playing 别停下,继续弹 DAY 64 Ambition 抱负 DAY 65 Paving A Brilliant Way 为自己铺一条灿烂之路 DAY 66 Something Worth Thinking about 值得思考的事情 DAY 67 If I Rest,I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈 Unit 4 成功之路 DAY 68 You Never Really Lose Your Value 超越失败 DAY 69 Big Rocks 人生巨石 DAY 70 Self Confidence Is Essential to Success 自信是成功的基本要素 DAY 71 BorntoWin 生而为赢 DAY 72 Kiss ofReality 真实之吻 DAY 73 Today I Will Be the Master of My Emotions 今天我要学会控制自己的情绪 DAY 74 Weakness or Strength 劣势?优势? DAY 75 Importance of Being Busy 繁忙的重要性 DAY 76 Learning frOm Failure 从失败中学习 DAY 77 Sow atl Action,Reap a Habit 播种行动,收获习惯 DAY 78 Wealth.Success and Love 财富、成功与爱 DAY 79 I Will Persist until I Succeed!(I) 坚持不懈,直到成功(1) DAY 80 I Will Persist until I Succeed(II) 坚持不懈,直到成功(2) DAY 81 The Road to Success 成功之路 DAY 82 Begin a New Life 开始新的生活 DAY 83 Confidence 自信 DAY 84 Success Is a Choice 成功是一种选择 DAY 85 Beliefs 信念 DAY 86 YourLifeisTruly uptoYou 生命掌握在你的手里 DAY 87 HowtoAvoid Foolish Opinion 如何避免愚蠢的观点 DAY 88 Beautifuf Smile and Kindness 美丽的微笑与爱心 DAY 89 Every Mountain Has a Peak 每座山都有峰 DAY 90 Ljfe Is Full of Choices 生命充满选择 DAY 91 Goal-Setting for Success 设定目标,便于成功 DAY 92 The True Meaning of a Real Millionaire 百万富翁的真谛 |
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