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内容推荐 华光礁一号沉船遗址位于西沙群岛华光礁礁盘内侧,1996年发现,1998~1999年做过一次初步调查和试掘。2007年3~5月、2008年11~12月,中国国家博物馆、海南省文物保护管理办公室先后两次组队进行水下考古发掘,分别完成了华光礁一号沉船遗址的全面揭露和船载遗物发掘、船体表层测绘,船体遗迹的发掘和船体构件的测绘、拆解并提取出水。 华光礁一号沉船艏向为320°,残存船体底部,水平残长17.0、残宽7.67米。残存10道隔舱板,船舱进深多在1.1~1.5米。船底部保存较好,船体为多层船板结构,一般为5层,局部有6层;船体构件之间平接或搭接,并以铁钉加固,接缝处以舱料密封。出水遗物一万余件,有陶瓷器、铁条材、铜镜、铜钱等,以陶瓷器为大宗,有青白釉、青釉、白釉、酱黑釉等,产地有景德镇窑、龙泉窑、松溪窑、南安窑、德化窑、闽清义窑、磁灶窑等。其中,有一件闽清义窑青白釉碗(釉色略泛青)内壁刻有“壬午载潘三郎造”铭,从器物组合与特征分析,此“壬午”干支款应为南宋高宗绍兴三十二年,即1162年。因此,判断华光礁一号沉船年代应为此后不久。 从船体结构特征和出水遗物分析,华光礁一号沉船是一艘沉没于南海丝绸之路重要航线的南宋早期贸易商船。它不仅是宋代海上丝绸之路繁荣的重要实证,而且也是宋元时期造船技术、海外贸易和外销瓷研究的重要资料。 本书是2007年和2008年华光礁一号沉船遗址水下考古发掘的学术报告,是两个年度工作成果的全面、客观、系统的总结,是中国水下考古的一项重要成果。 目录 (上) 第一章 前言 第二章 发掘概述 第一节 地理环境与遗址概况 一地理环境 二历史沿革 三既往工作 第二节 2007年发掘工作 一工作概况 二发掘经过 1.遗址表面清理 2.遗址主体发掘 3.船体初步测绘 4.遗址回填保护 第三节 2008年发掘工作 一工作概况 二发掘经过 1.遗址表面清理 2.船体发掘提取 第四节 考古发掘技术与方法 一设备材料准备 1.潜水技术装备 2.水下考古发掘设备 3.水下考古记录设备 4.水面工作平台制作 二水下遗址搜索 三水下抽沙清理 1.气抽式抽沙 2.水抽式抽沙 四水下遗物提取 第五节 水下遗址考古摄影拼接 一摄影拼接技术要求 二拍摄拼接照片素材 三照片素材拼接成图 第六节 考古发掘现场文物保护 一船载文物的现场保护 二发掘过程中船体构件的保护 三船体构件出水后的现场保护 1.泥沙清洗 2.附着物清除 3.信息采集 4.防霉处理 5.密闭保湿 四船板的包装运输 第三章 船体遗存 第一节 船体结构 一船体遗迹 二连接方式 第二节 船体构件 一龙骨 1.艏龙骨 2.主龙骨 3.艉龙骨 二龙骨翼板 三龙骨补强材 四船壳板 1.第一层船壳板 2.第二层船壳板 3.第三层船壳板 4.第四层船壳板 5.第五层船壳板 6.第六层船壳板 五压缝板 六肋骨 七隔舱板 八舌形榫 (中) 第四章 出水遗物 第一节 陶瓷器 一景德镇窑青白瓷 1.青白瓷碗 2.青白瓷盏 3.青白瓷盘 4.青白瓷碟 5.青白瓷钵 6.青白瓷杯 7.青白瓷执壶 8.青白瓷器盖 9.青白瓷小瓶 10.青白瓷砚滴 二德化窑青白瓷 1.青白瓷瓶 2.青白瓷小瓶 3.青白瓷葫芦瓶 4.青白瓷大盒 5.青白瓷盒 6.青白瓷小盒 三闽清义窑青白瓷 1.青白瓷碗 2.青白瓷小碗 3.青白瓷盏 4.青白瓷盘 5.青白瓷碟 6.青白瓷执壶 7.青白瓷瓶 8.青白瓷器盖 9.青白瓷炉 四龙泉窑青瓷 1.青瓷碗 2.青瓷盏 3.青瓷碟 五松溪窑青瓷 1.青瓷大碗 2.青瓷大盘 (下) 六南安窑青瓷 1.青瓷碗 2.青瓷盏 3.青瓷大盘 七武夷山遇林亭窑黑瓷 黑釉盏 八磁灶窑青釉器 1.青釉注壶 2.青釉长颈瓶 3.青釉小罐 九磁灶窑黑釉器 1.黑釉盏 2.黑釉碟 3.黑釉注壶 4.黑釉军持 5.黑釉长颈瓶 6.黑釉梅瓶 7.黑釉小瓶 8.黑釉四系罐 9.黑釉扁腹罐 10.黑釉小罐 11.黑釉器盖 12.黑釉腰鼓 13.黑釉缸 14.黑釉灶 一〇磁灶窑酱釉器 第二节 金属器 一铁器 二铜器 1.铜镜 2.铜钱 第三节 其他遗物 第五章 科技分析与研究 第一节 出水陶瓷器的便携式XRF分析 一分析方法 二样品和分析结果 1.青白瓷 2.青瓷 3.酱黑釉器 三结论 第二节 船体构件树种鉴定与用材研究 一材料与方法 1.实验材料 2.分析方法 二结果与讨论 1.结果 2.讨论 三结论 第六章 结语 一历史背景与西沙文物 二船体结构与沉船年代 三船货组合与产地分析 四宋代沉船与南海贸易 五结论 附录 附录一 出水船体构件一览表 附录二 出水遗物分类统计总表 附录三 出水遗物按探方分类统计表 附录四 华光礁一号沉船考古工作纪事 附录五 华光礁一号沉船考古散记 附录六 华光礁一号沉船文献著作目录 编后记 序言 The Huaguang Jiao I shipwreck site was located on the inner side of Huaguang Jiao Reef of theParacel Islands. It was discovered in 1996. A preliminary investigation and trial excavation wereconducted from 1998 to 1999. National Museum of China and the Hainan Provincial Office of CulturalRelics Protection and Administration had organized archacology team twice to conduct underwaterarchaeology excavations, respectively from March to May 2007, and from November to December2008. The Huaguang Jiao I shipwreck site was fully revealed. The ship cargo remains were dug out. Theship hull's surface was measured and recorded. The next year the ship hull remains were excavated. Thehull's components were measured, recorded, disassembled and lifted out of water. The bow's direction of Huaguang Jiao I shipwreck is 320 °. The bottom of the hull is remained,with a horizontal residual length of 17.0 m and a residual width of 7.67 m. There are 10 bulkhead platesleft. The width of most cabins is between 1.1-1.5 m. The bottom of the ship is well preserved. Thehull structure has multi-layer plates, which have 5 layers for most parts and 6 layers for certain parts.Hull components are connected with flush joints or overlap joints, which are strengthened with ironnails. The joints are sealed with adhesive materials. There are more than 10000 pieces of artifacts fromthe site, including ceramics, iron bars, bronze mirrors, copper coins, etc. The majority are ceramics,including celadon, qingbai glaze wares, brown and black glaze wares, etc. The identified provenancekilns include Jingdezhen Kiln, Longquan Kiln, Songxi Kiln, Nan'an Kiln, Dehua Kiln, Yi Kiln ofMinqing, Cizao Kiln, etc. Amongst, there is a qingbai bowl (the glaze color is slightly bluish) made bythe Yi Kiln of Minqing, which is carved with an inscription of "Ren Wu Zai Pan San Lang Zao". Basedon analysis of the combination and characteristics of the artifacts, the Ren Wu" should refer to the Year32nd of Shaoxing Reign of Gaozong Emperor in Southern Song Dynasty, i.e., 1162 C.E. Therefore,conclusions could be drawn that the Huaguang Jiao I shipwreck was supposed to sink shortly thereafter. By analyzing the hull structure's characteristics and the artifacts from the site, Huaguang JiaoI shipwreck was a merchant ship of early Southern Song Dynasty sunken on the important shippingroutes of the Maritime Silk Road in South China Sea.It is not only important evidence of the prosperityof the Maritime Silk Road of Song Dynasty, but also a significant material for studying shipbuildingtechnology, maritime trade and export ceramics during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. This book is an academic report on the underwater archaeological excavations on the HuaguangJiao I shipwreck site in 2007 and 2008. It is a comprehensive, objective and systematic summary ofthe achievements of the two years'work. It is an essential outcome of China's underwater archaeologywork. |