The wayward behaviour of his son Lupin-intermittently engaged to the unsuitable Daisy Mutlar -is only one of the burdens he has to bear. When, against all the odds, Mr Pooter triumphs, we cannot help rejoicing inhis good fortune.This marvellous book is the jewel at the heart of English comic literature' - William Trevor in the Mail on Sunday.
The Diary of a Nobody, with words by George Grossmith and illustrations by his actor-manager brother Weedon, first appeared in Punch in 1891-2. Writing, he hopes, in the great tradition of Pepys and Boswell, Mr Charles Pooter regales us with choice anecdotes and domestic crises from life at 'The Laurels'; Brickfield Terrace, Holloway, and from his chequered career as a City clerk. The wayward behaviour of his son Lupin-intermittently engaged to the unsuitable Daisy Mutlar -is only one of the burdens he has to bear. When, against all the odds, Mr Pooter triumphs, we cannot help rejoicing inhis good fortune.
This marvellous book is the jewel at the heart of English comic literature' - William Trevor in the Mail on Sunday.