董晓波主编的《跨文化商务交际》共10章,其中第1章以跨文化交际学的基本理论为框架,系统地介绍了交际、文化和跨文化的定义与特点。第2章介绍文化价值观及商务文化,重点分析了Geert Hofstede(基尔特’霍夫斯泰德)提出的4个文化纬度及人们在跨文化商务交际中存在的众多价值观念差异。第3章介绍和分析文化休克现象,使读者认识到在跨文化商务交际中文化休克不可避免,但可以“医治”。第4章介绍言语交际,即口语交际和书面交际。第5章主要介绍非言语交际,如身势语、空间和距离等方面的知识及文化内涵,使读者认识到非言语的交际行为比言语交际更为重要。第6章主要介绍商务交际中存在着性别的文化差异,了解跨文化沟通中性别差异的习俗、礼仪和礼节的重要性。第7章主要阐述了在商务活动中的各种礼仪及有关风俗。掌握了这些交际中的礼仪,才能在商务活动中游刃有余。第8章主要探讨成功的商务谈判所包含的各要素,如有效沟通、谈判风格及谈判策略……同时阐释了不同国家商务人士的谈判特点。第9、10章主要涉及国际商务营销、管理中的文化因素、企业文化、团队建设及国际交流策略等方面的知识。
Chapter 1 Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication
Section 1: Culture
Section 2: Communication
Section 3: Intercultural Communication
Further Reading Intercultural Communication Failures
Chapter 2 Contrasting Cultural Values and Business Cultures
Section 1: Cultural Values
Section 2: Attitude
Section 3: Belief and Religion
Section 4: Attribution, Perception and Communication
Section 5: Diverse Cultural Patterns
Further Reading Cultural Values in International Business
Chapter 3 Culture Shock
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Stages of Culture Shock
Section 3: Symptoms of Culture Shock
Section 4: Alleviating Culture Shock (for person and company)
Section 5: High-context and Low-context Cultures
Further Reading Stress in Culture Shock
Chapter 4 Verbal Communication
Section 1: Language and Culture
Section 2: Oral Communication
Section 3: Written Communication
Further Reading Attitudes Toward Speech and Silence
Chapter 5 Nonverbal Communication
Section 1: Body Language
Section 2: Space and Distance
Further Reading Sacred Space in Germany and Other Northern European Countries
Chapter 6 Gender Differences in Communication
Section 1: Differences in Gender Communication
Section 2: Overcoming Roadblocks in Gender Communication
Further Reading How Are Roles Females Playing in International Business?
Chapter 7 Business Etiquette and Social Customs
Section 1: Making Introductions and Greeting
Section 2: Handshaking and Exchanging Business Cards
Section 3: Dressing and Dining
Section 4: Gift Giving and Receiving Customs
Section 5: Humour, Superstitions and Taboos
Further Reading MoTo: Coming to U.S.
Chapter 8 Business Negotiation Across Cultures
Section 1: Communication in Negotiation
Section 2: Stereotypes of Different Cultures That Affect Intercultural Negotiations
Section 3: Negotiation Strategies
Section 4: Physical Context of Negotiation
Section 5: Phases of Negotiation
Further Reading American Style of Hospitality or French Style of Hospitality
Chapter 9 International Marketing Communication
Section 1: A Cultural Approach to International Marketing
Section 2: Cultural Influence on Selected Aspects of Marketing and Advertising
Section 3: Global Marketing and Advertising
Further Reading What Has Happened to Hong Kong Disneyland?
Chapter 10 Intercultural Management
Section 1: Cultural Factors in International Business Management
Section 2: Corporate Culture
Section 3: Development of Teamwork
Section 4: Strategies for International Marketers
Further Reading Team Building
Key to the Exercises