3 Top California Educators’ Departures: a Sobering Development
Airlines’ Fuel Surcharges Far Outpacing Fuel Prices
燃油附加费的上涨远超燃油费用的增长 /007
Can City Life Be Explored to the Suburbs
都市生活方式可以扩展到郊区吗 /012
Defying Parents, Some Pakistani Women Risk All to Marry Whom They Choose
巴基斯坦女子为婚姻自由而抗争 /017
FDA Delays Decision on First Drug to Prevent HIVFDA
推迟决定是否批准第一种防艾新药 /023
More Older Workers Making Up Labor Force
老当益壮——老年人劳动大军悄然兴起 /028
Teachers Union Wants a Say in L.A. Unified’s Classroom Breakfast Program
教师工会希望在教室早餐计划中拥有发言权 /033
British UniversitiesPicking on Foreign Students
英国大学刁难外国留学生 /039
How Germany’s South Became the Backbone of a Vibrant Economy
德国南部如何成为支撑活力经济的主心骨 /046
President Obama Says,“The Private Sector Is Doing Fine”
奥巴马:私营部门一切顺利 /056
Both Sides Claim Progress as Violence Continues in Syria
叙利亚暴乱继续,双方都宣称取得了进展 /061 PAGE丨III
Japan PM: Nuke Reactors Must Be Restarted
日本首相:必须重启核反应堆 /066
Myanmar Passes Investment Law
缅甸通过“投资法律” /071
What Did France’s Political Elites Know About DSK’s Sex Habits?
法国的政治精英们知道卡恩的性怪僻吗? /076
Disgruntled Worker Opens Fire Near Empire State Building
失望不满的雇员制造帝国大厦枪击案 /083
Higher Education in Sri Lanka—School’s Out
斯里兰卡的高等教育:学校罢工 /090
A Call to Resume the Legal Ivory Trade Set to Dominate Debate at UN Meeting
象牙贸易合法化呼声主宰联合国生物大会辩论 /098
Does India Want to Be a Part of America’s Plan for Asia?
印度:美国亚洲战略的盟友? /104
In Pivotal Week for Euro Zone, a Test for the Central Bank’s Leader
Italy’s President Calls for“True Political Union”
意大利总统呼吁“真正的政治联盟 ” /115
Stocks Fall as Europe Fears Surge
欧洲的恐慌情绪导致股市暴跌 /120
Egypt’s Foreign Policy—Independent or Not?
埃及的外交政策:独立还是不独立? /125
Film Mocking Muslim Prophet Sparks Anti-U.S. Protests in Egypt and Libya
嘲笑穆斯林先知的电影引发埃及和利比亚的反美抗议 /132
The German People Will Decide Europe’s Fate
德国人将决定欧洲的命运 /141
Big Romney Donors Turn to PACs Before GOP Convention
共和党大会前罗姆尼的大部分捐款转向 PAC /150
Michelle Obama Gives Impassioned Defense of President at Democratic National Convention
米歇尔·奥巴马在民主党全国大会上为总统丈夫激情 辩护 /156
One In, One Out in Romney’s Search for a Running Mate
罗姆尼的点兵时刻 /162
Paul Ryan to Begin Debate Prep on Sunday in Oregon
保罗·瑞恩为周日的俄勒冈州辩论做准备 /167
Super Tuesday in Sight, Michigan but a Memory
回顾密歇根预选,展望“超级星期二” /172
What to Expect If President Obama Wins Second Term
如果奥巴马连任他将带给我们什么 /178
Mitt’s Moment: Can Romney Finally Open Up?
米特时刻:罗姆尼最终能否在竞选中打开局面? /184
The Todd Akin Affair: Grenades and Stilettos
托德·阿金事件:手榴弹和细高跟鞋 /191
US Elections 2012:
Is Facebook“the Real Presidential Swing State”?
美国 2012 大选:脸谱网会成为“真正的摇摆州”吗? /198
A House Speaker Proves a Mighty Fund-raiser
众议院议长是位筹款高手 /206
Mayor Michael Bloomberg Demands Action on Gun Control
彭博市长要求采取行动管制枪支 /211
Potential for a Mining Boom Splits Factions in Afghanistan
潜在的开矿热潮加剧了阿富汗各派系的裂痕 /216
Villaraigosa’s Big Moment Arrives with Democratic Convention
洛杉矶市长维拉戈沙借民主党大会增加曝光率 /222
Obama Embraces“Obamacare”
奥巴马支持“奥巴马医改计划” /227
The Beginning of the End of Putin
普京时代的落幕序曲 /231
Obama and Romney Step Up Accusations on Jobs
奥巴马和罗姆尼围绕就业问题舌战升级 /239
Elections in the Netherlands: Dutch Surprise
荷兰大选:结果出乎意料 /246
Crews Battle 3,600-acre Blaze Above Azusa
消防队员正在和3,600英亩大火搏斗 /254
“Dark Knight Rises”Shooting: Three Heroes Died in Aurora Taking Bullets for Their Girlfriends
《黑暗骑士崛起》枪击案中的英雄们 /258
Israeli Tourist Bus Bombing in Bulgaria Possible Suicide Attack
保加利亚上演恐怖袭击 /263
Norway Remembers 77 Victims on Anniversary of Bomb and Shooting Attacks
挪威纪念一年前的爆炸枪击惨案 /269
South Africa Massacre: Miners Charged over Colleagues’ Deaths
南非惨案:真凶到底是谁? /274
Tornadoes Batter Brooklyn and Queens
纽约市区遭龙卷风袭击 /280
The War in AfghanistanGreen-on-blue Blues
阿富汗战争:“绿袭蓝”事件引发的忧思 /285
The Conflict in SyriaWorse and Worse
叙利亚:形势越来越糟,冲突无休无止 /290