《来自中国的影视文化视角--方法论分析与电影呈现》由庄孔韶、沈雅礼、宋志方主编,China won the right to host the 16th IUAES World Congress in July, 2003. After six years of preparation, the Congress will be held during July 27-31, 2009 in Kunming China.The Intemational Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) wase stablished on August 23, 1948, when it merged, in fact, with the Intemational Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES), which was founded m 1934. The latter was the product of various Congresses of Anthropological Sciences, starting in 1865.
1. Visual Anthropology and Visual Culture in China: Methodology,Analysis and Filmic Representations..
2. La revanche de Han Xin, un Myst6re tao'fste
3. Taping Fieldwork: Using Digital Video in EthnographicResearch
4. Ethnography as Database Narrative: Immersion, Interactivity andIntervention in the Bethune Multimedia Project ~
5. What is in a Realist Image?
6. Visual Practice of "No-Waste Anthropology".
7. Intimacy, Integrity and Indulgence in AnthropologicalFilm
8. Rural Woman and Modernity in Globalizing China: SeeingJia Zhangke's The World
9. Toward Plurality: Modern Practices of Visual Anthropologyin China
10. Like a Duck Listening to Thunder: Doing SecondhandEthnography