《CONTEMPORARY CHINESE LAW(当代中国法律概况)》是法学专家使用英文写就的权威著作。主要内容包括:Chapter 1 Introduction、Chapter 2 Constitution、Chapter 3 Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law、Chapter 4 Civil Law、Chapter 5 Civil Procedural Law、Chapter 6 Substantive Criminal Law和Chapter 7 Criminal Procedural Law等等。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Chinese Legal System
1.2 Chinese Legislative System
1.3 Chinese Judicial System
Chapter 2 Constitution
2.1 Legal Forms of the Constitution
2.2 China's Main Constitutional Systems
2.3 Supervision over the Implementation of the Constitution
Chapter 3 Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Administrative Organs and Civil Servants
3.3 Administrative Legislation and Administrative Rules
3.4 Administrative License
3.5 Administrative Penalty
3.6 Administrative Coercion
3.7 Disclosure of Government Information
3.8 Administrative Reconsideration
3.9 Administrative Litigation
3.10 Administrative Compensation
Chapter 4 Civil Law
4.1 Overview
4.2 Real Right Law
4.3 Intellectual Property Law
4.4 Contract Law
4.5 Tort Law
4.6 Marriage, Family and Succession Law
Chapter 5 Civil Procedural Law
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Basic Systems and Norms of Civil Proceedings
5.3 Trial Procedures
5.4 Special Provisions of the Civil Procedures Involving
Foreign Elements
Chapter 6 Substantive Criminal Law
6.1 Fundamental Principles and Scope of Application
6.2 Elements of Crime, Justifiable Defence and Patterns of Crime
6.3 System and Types of Punishments
6.4 Concrete Offences
Chapter 7 Criminal Procedural Law
7.1 The Sources of Criminal Procedural Law
7.2 General Principles on Criminal Process
7.3 Criminal Proceeding Systems
7.4 Criminal Process
Chapter 8 Business Law
8.1 Company Law
8.2 Foreign-Invested Enterprises Law
8.3 Law on Negotiable Instruments
8.4 Insurance Law
8.5 Maritime Law
8.6 Bankruptcy Law
8.7 Securities Law
Chapter 9 Economic Law
9.1 Competition Law
9.2 Consumer Law
9.3 Product Quality Law
9.4 Financial Law
9.5 Tax Law
9.6 Labour Law
9.7 Environmental Protection Law
Chapter 10 Foreign Trade Law
10.1 Foreign Trade Law System
10.2 Fundamental Contents of the Foreign Trade Law
10.3 Foreign Trade Remedies
According to Article 100 of the present Constitution, the people's congresses of provinces and municipalities directly under the central Government and their standing committees may adopt local regulations, which must not contravene the Constitution, the law and administrative rules and regulations, and they shall report such local regulations to the Standing Committee of the NPC for the record. Article 63 of the Legislation Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) states: "The people'scongresses or their standing committees of the comparatively larger cities may, in light of specific local conditions and actual needs, formulate local regulations, provided that they do not contradict the Constitution, the laws, the administrative regulations and the local regulations of their respective provinces or autonomous regions, and they shall submit the regulations to the standing committees of the people's congresses of the provinces or autonomous regions for approval before implementation. " The standing committees of the people's congresses of the provinces or autonomous regions, shall examine the legality of those local regulations submitted for approval, and shall approve them within four months if they do not contradict the Constitution, the laws, the administrative regulations, and the local regulations of their respective provinces or autonomous regions.When the standing committee of the people's congress of a province or autonomous region examines the local regulations submitted for approval by a comparatively larger city, it shall make a decision and deal with the matter if it finds that the said regulations contradict the rules of the people's government of the province or autonomous region. A 'comparatively larger city' used in this law refers to a city where a provincial or autonomous regional people's government is located or where a special economic zone is located, or to a city defined as such by the State Council. Thus, according to the above-mentio……