Francis Bacon
Of Truth
Thomas Hobbes
Of the Natural Condition of Mankind as Concerning Their FeEcity and Misery
John Milton
Areopa#tlca (Excerpts)
John Dryden
Shakespeare and Ben Jooson Compared
Joseph Addison
Party Patches
Sunday in the Country
Richard Steele
Recollections of
Samuel Johnson
Pope and Dryden Compared
Letter to the Right Honourable the Eart of Chesterfield
Oliver Goldsmith
The Man in Black
Benjamin Franklin
The Autobiogrphy (Excerpt)
Chades Lamb
In Praise of Chimney-sweephers
old China
William Hazlitt
Thomas De Quincey
On the Knocking at the Caate m Macbeth
Washington Irving
The Author's Account of Himself
Thomas Carlyle
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Comclustion of Walden
John Ruskin
About Reading Books
St. Mark's
Robert Louis Stevenson
A Plea for Gas Lamps
El Dorado
George Robert Gissing
Spring (Excerpt)
Maurice Henry Hewlett
The Mayoole and the Column
Edward Verrall Lucas
A Philosopher That Failed
Hilaire Beiloc
The Crooked Streets
Virginia Woolf
The Patten and the Crocus
Alan Alexander Milne
Golden Fruit.
David Herbert Lawrence
Whistling of Birds