This book starts with an introduction focusing mainly on the basic theory of regulation and the justification for regulation and insurance regulation. The initial purpose and methodologies used in this research, and the structure of the book, are also discussed in the introduction. Chapters 2 to 6, which are the main contains of this book, deal respectively with the history of insurance regulation in the United Kingdom and People's Republic of China, the sol-vency and license regulations in those two countries. The requirements of IAIS regarding regulation of insurance Companies" solvency and licensing have been discussed as well. By way of comparative analysis, the common factors and differences have been identified and some points have been reached in each part of the analysis. Finally, conclusions of this research are given in Chapter 7, which provides some suggestions for Chinese insurance.
Chapter One:Introduction to Insurance Regulation/002
1.1 The Introduction of Insurance/002
1.2 The Introduction of Insurance Regulation/006
1.3 The Methodology for This Research/030
1.4 The Purpose and Structure of This Research/034
Chapter Two:The Insurance Companies'License and Solvency Regulation Requirements of IAIS/038
2.1 The Introduction about IAIS/038
2.2 The Requirement of Licensing Regulation from IAIS/041
2.3 The Requirements of IAIS for Insurance Solvency Regulation/051
Chapter Three:Insurance Regulation in the UK/058
3.1 The History of Insurance Regulation in the UK/058
3.2 The Insurance Regulation Regime in the UK/085
3.3 A Special Case of Self - Regulation:Lloyds of London/093
Chapter Four:Insurers'Solvency and Licensing Regulation in the OK/097
4.1 The Regulatory Framework of the FSA/098
4.2 The Licensing Regulation for Insurance Company/116
4.3 The Toolkits for Insurers'Solvency Regulation/129
Chapter Five:Insurance Regulation in China/153
5.1 The History of Insurance Business in China/153
5.2 The Background of Chinese Insurance Regulation/162
5.3 Insurance Regulation in China/169
5.4 CIRC and IAIS/176
Chapter Six:Chinese Insurance Solvency and License Regulation/177
6.1 The Insurance Companies'Solvency Regulation in China/177
6.2 The Detailed Requirements of License Regulation/193
Chapter Seven:The Voice of the Insurance Industry in China/200
7.1 The Industry's Actual Attitude to Present Insurance Regulation in China/201
7.2 The Industry's Actual Attitude to Insurance Companies' Solvency Regulation/204
7.3 The Industry's Actual Attitude to Insurance Companies' Licensing Regulation/211
Chapter Eight:Conclusion/216
Appendix 1:Base Capital Resources Requirement for an Insurer(UK) /225
Appendix 2:Capital Resources Calculation for an Insurer(UK) /228
Appendix 3:Companies Approved to Underwrite Insurance in China/232
Appendix 4:The Interview Outline about the Present Situation of Chinese Insurance Regulation/239