constitutional UK [ˌkɒnt.stɪ'tju:.ʃən.əl] US [ˌkɑ:nt.stɪ'tu:-] adjective LAWS 法律 IMPROVER ■allowed by or contained in a constitution 宪法(或章程)允许的,符合宪法(或章程)的•Such a policy would not be constitutional.这样的政策是不符合宪法的。 •Freedom of speech should be a constitutional right.言论自由是一项宪法规定的权利。 Opposite unconstitutional UK [ˌkɒnt.stɪ'tju:.ʃən.əl] US [ˌkɑ:nt.stɪ'tu:-] adjective HEALTH 健康 ■relating to someone's general state of health 体质的,体格的•constitutional weakness体质的虚弱 UK [ˌkɒnt.stɪ'tju:.ʃən.əl] US [ˌkɑ:nt.stɪ'tu:-] noun countable old-fashioned humorous ■a walk that you often do to keep yourself healthy 健身散步•She's nearly 86 and still takes a constitutional every morning.她将近86岁了,每天早上仍然散步锻炼。 |