The fourteen short stories collected in this book are arranged by time sequence of publication.It is intended to demonstrate that fiction can remain serious,without falling into the quest for novelty.and draw readers' attention back to ordinary life to witness all the wonders in our everyday world.Real wonders exist nowhere but in the lives of ordinary people……
Wang Meng
21st Century Chinese Literature—Points of Departure
Liu Tao
Wonders and Wizards in the World of Our Everyday Streets.
Three Fiddle Tales
Ab Cbeng
River Lanterns
Cbi Zijian
Bathing in Fresh Water
Wang Anyi
Wedding Banquet
Street Wizards
Deng Youmei
Old Stories from a Narrow Alley
Wu Xuan
Mystique in White
Tian Dongzbao
River Harvest
Liu Qingbang
Deft Hands
Zbeng Decben
Village Feasts
Nie Xinsen
Third Uncle Feng—The Master Fan Mender
Guo Wenbin
Good Luck and Best Wishes
Tan Ge
The Porcelainist
Li Zbibang
Editor's Recommended Reading (in Chinese)