introductory [ˌɪn.trə'dʌk.tər.i] adjective FIRST TIME 首次的 ■existing, used, or experienced for the first time 首次的(存在,使用或经历)•an introductory price/offer上市价/试销优惠 •an introductory course in word processing (= a course for people who have not done word processing before)电脑文字处理基础课程 [ˌɪn.trə'dʌk.tər.i] adjective BEGINNING 开始的 ■written or said at the beginning 引导的;序言的•an introductory chapter序篇 •I'd like to make some introductory remarks before beginning the lecture properly.我想在讲座正式开始之前说几句开场白。 |