Part 1 求职篇Job Hunting
1.Opening Remarks开场白
2.About Your Name and Age询问姓名、年龄
3.About Your Address and Origin有关住址和籍贯
4.About Your Dependents家庭背景
5.About Your Educational Background (Ⅰ)有关教育背景(Ⅰ)
6.About Your Educational Background (Ⅱ)有关教育背景(Ⅱ)
7.About Your Educational Background (Ⅲ)有关教育背景(Ⅲ)
8.About Work Experience 有关工作经验
9.About Achievements有关工作成绩
10.About Language Abilities有关语言能力
11.About Parttime Job有关兼职工作
12.About Reasons for Resignation有关辞职原因
13.About Reasons for Application有关应聘原因
14.About the Post有关应聘职位
15.About Your Abilities有关能力
16.About Your Skills有关技能
17.About Your Personality有关性格
18.About Hobbies有关业余爱好
19.About Your Family (Ⅰ)关于家庭(Ⅰ)
20.About Your Family (Ⅱ)关于家庭(Ⅱ)
21.About Common Sense有关一般常识
22.About Your Remuneration (Ⅰ)有关薪酬(Ⅰ)
23.About Your Remuneration (Ⅱ)有关薪酬(Ⅱ)
24.About Vacations and Benefits有关节假日和福利
25.About Officetaking有关到任时间
26.About Ways to Contact You (Ⅰ)联系方式(Ⅰ)
27.About Ways to Contact You (Ⅱ)联系方式(Ⅱ)
28.About the Final Decision有关结果
29.End of an Interview结束面谈
30.Interview for Job Advancement要求升职面试
31.Phoning to Ask about a Job Ad.电话求职
32.Door Knocking上门询问求职
33.At a Job Center在职业介绍所
34.About the Job of an Accountant有关会计一职
35.About the Job of a Secretary有关秘书一职
36.About the Job of a Computer Programmer有关电脑程序员一职
37.About the Job of a Stewardess有关空中小姐一职
38.About the Job of a Salesperson有关销售员一职
39.About the Job of a Receptionist有关接待员一职
40.About the Job of a Tourist Guide有关导游一职
41.About the Job of a Senior Porduction Planner有关高级管理员一职
42.About the Job of a Nurse有关护士一职
Part 2 工作篇Working
1.Starting a Conversation and Departing开始交谈与告别
3.Requests and Offers请求与提议
4.Suggestions and Advice建议与忠告
5.Apologies and Excuses道歉
6.Approval and Disapproval赞成与反对
8.Making Appointments约会
9.Asking for Information询问情况
10.Plans and Intentions计划与打算
11.Views and Opinions观点与意见
13.Signing a Contract签定合同
15.About Advertising关于广告
17.Market Research市场调研
18.Company Gossip公司闲谈
19.Company Bonus公司奖金
20.Company Competition公司竞争
21.Financial Affairs公司财务
22.Business Trips出差
23.Company's Personnel Policies公司人事政策
25.Company's Organization公司机构
26.Presenting Products产品介绍
28.Company Strategy公司谋略