Chapter 1 Introduction/1
1.1 Introduction/1
1.2 Motivation/1
1.3 Significance of the present study/3
1.4 Research questions/5
1.5 Outline of the book/6
Chapter 2 Curpus linguistics and inter'language studies/8
2.1 Corpus linguistics/8
2.2 Interlanguage/15
2.3 Learner corpora/20
Chapter 3 Tense and aspect acquisition and I inguisticfactor,s/27
3.1 Tense and aspect/27
3.2 The Present Perfect in English/29
3.3 Linguistic factors affecting tense/aspect acquisition/30
Chapter 4 Methodology/54
4.1 Introduction/54
4.2 Data description/54
4.3 Data coding/56
Chapter 5 Results/69
5.1 Introduction/69
5.2 Analysis of tense/aspect errors/69
5.3 Analysis of the present perfect variation/77
5.4 Effects of linguistic factors on present perfect variation/83
Chapter 6 Discussion/122
6.1 Semantic interpretation of the present perfect variation/122
6.2 The effects of linguistic factors on the present perfect variation/125
Chapter 7 Conclusion/157
7.1 Summary of major findings/157
7.2 Implications/165
7.3 Suggestions for future research/168
Appendix 1 A sample text from CLEC/169
Appendix 2 Sampled data from tagged VP6 errors on English tense/aspect/170
Appendix 3 Sampled data from the subjects' use of present perfect/175
Appendix 4 Sampled diagnostic tests for lexical aspect/177