Welcome to the weird and intense world of Edgar Allan Poe. Inside you will find dark midnights, mysterious tappings, and countless dead souls. Terror lives here. So does unrest. From the immortal word of the raven to the mournful tomb of Annabel Lee, Poe’s work abounds with eerie thoughts and strange sensations. Read on, and you will enter the heart of your deepest fears...
How lucky you are, you who are about to read this poem for the first time.
I hope you read it when you’re alone, at night, as I did when I first came across it.
I hope your flesh creeps and your skin crawls and the blood turns to ice in your veins.
I hope that your soul, like mine, will ever afterward be in thrall to that sinister, solemn word, the Raven’s one mysterious message: "Nevermore!"