It goes without saying that Michael Halliday is the most extravagant grammarian of his generation, elaborating his descriptions of English and Chinese above and beyond the call of duty. And alongside this descriptive largesse, Halliday also ranks as one of the most extroverted linguists of the 20th century - continually enriching the gaze of his discipline in the manner of Saussure, Sapir, Whorf, Hjelmslev and like-minded seers. In my experience, the key concept which has operationalised this extroversion is grammatical metaphor, which makes this volume a timely one as a new generation of functional linguists recontextualises linguistics for a new millennium.
J R. Martin
Grammatical metaphor in SFL: A historiography of the introductiorl
and initial study of the concept
Miriam Taverniers
Part I: Grammatical metaphor: Clarification and application
Renewal of connection: Integrating theory and practice in
an understanding of grammatical metaphor
Louise J. Ravelli
Nominalization as grammatical metaphor: On the need for a radically
systemic and metafunctional approach
Ambiguity in grammatical metaphor: One more reason why
the distinction transitive/ergative pays off
Jorge Arvs Hita
The evolution of grammatical metaphor in scientific writing
David Banks
Part Ih Development of metaphor in children
The use of a metaphorical mode of meaning in early
language development
Claire Painter
The emergence of grammatical metaphor: Literacy-oriented expressions
in the everyday speech of young children
Jane Tort and Alyson Simpson
Grammatical metaphor in the transition to adolescence
Beverly Derewianka
Part III: Interpersonal metaphor: Enactment and positioning
Lexical metaphor and interpersonal meaning
Anne-Marie Simon- Vandenbergen
The elided participant: Presenting an uncommonsense view of the
researcher's role
Geoff Thompson
Imperative readings of grammatical metaphor: A study of congruency
in the imperative
Inger Lassen
Part IV: 'Metaphor' in grammar and in other modes of meaning
Phonological metaphor
Robert Veltman
Intersemiosis in mathematics and science: Grammatical metaphor
and semiotic metaphor
Kay 0 'Halloran
Part V: Metaphor in metalinguistic perspectives
The conduit metaphor and the analysis of meaning: Peircean semiotics,
cognitive grammar and systemic functional grammar
Patrick Goethals
Grammatical metaphor as a cognitive construct
Randal Holme
'Having things both ways': Grammatical metaphor in a systemic-functional
model of language
Robin Melrose
Subject index