tool [tu:l] noun countable EQUIPMENT 设备 ESSENTIAL ■a piece of equipment which you use with your hands to make or repair something (用于生产或维修的)工具,器具•power tools电动工具 •machine tools机床 ■something that helps you to do a particular activity (帮助从事特定活动的)工具•A free low-interest credit card can be a useful budgeting tool.一张免手续费的低息信用卡是一种有用的省钱的工具。 tool of the trade ■A tool of the trade is something you need to use to do your job 职业所需的工具;职业技能•For the modern sales executive, a Blackberry is one of the tools of the trade.对现代的业务经理来说,黑莓手机是商务工具之一。 [tu:l] noun countable PERSON 人 ESSENTIAL disapproving ■someone whose decisions and actions are unfairly controlled by others 傀儡;爪牙•The President was widely regarded as the tool of the military.该国人民普遍认为现任总统为军方的工具。 [tu:l] noun countable PENIS 阴茎 offensive ■a penis 阴茎 |