Ogata教授所著的Modern Control Engineering一书已成为控制理论的最经典教材之一,据悉其第五版将于2009年问世。这本MATLAB教材的编排与Ogata的现代控制工程教材同步。读者一打开本书,就会有一种似曾相识的亲切感,也许就会有继续研读的愿望。书中除了开篇关于MATLAB基本内容的介绍之外,其他章节的安排基本上与Modern Control Engineering一一对应,覆盖了系统建模、瞬态响应分析、根轨迹分析、频域分析以及状态空间控制系统设计方法和优化问题。该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。
Chapter 1 Introduction to MATLAB
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division with MATLAB
1-3 Computing Matrix Functions
1-4 Plotting Response Curves
1-5 Three-Dimensional Plots
1-6 Drawing Geometrical Figures with MATLAB
Chapter 2 Preliminary Study of MATLAB Analysis of Dynamic Systems
2-1 Partial-Fraction Expansion with MATLAB
2-2 Transformation of Mathematical Models of Dynamic Systems
2-3 MATLAB Representation of Systems in Block Diagram Form
Chapter 3 Transient-Response Analysis
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Step Response
3-3 Impulse Response
3-5 Response to Arbitrary Input
3-6 Response to Arbitrary Initial Condition
3-7 Three-Dimensional Plots
Chapter 4 Root-Locus Analysis
4-1 Introduction
4-2 Root Locus Plots with Polar Grids
4-3 Finding the Gain Value K at an Arbitrary Point on the Root Locus
4-4 Root-Locus Plots of Non-Minimum-Phase Systems
4-5 Root-Locus Plots of Conditionally Stable Systems
4-6 Root Loci for Systems with Transport Lag
4-7 Root-Locus Approach to Control Systems Compensation
Chapter 5 Frequency-Response Analysis
5-1 Plotting Bode Diagrams with MATLAB
5-2 Plotting Nyquist Diagrams with MATLAB
5-3 Log-Magnitude-Versus-Phase Plots
5-4 Phase Margin .and Gain Margin
5-5 Frequency-Response Approach to Control Systems Compensation
Chapter 6 MATLAB Approach to the State-Space Design of Control Systems
6-1 Introduction
6-2 Controllability and Observability
6-3 Pole Placement
6-4 Solving Pole-Placement Problems with MATLAB
6-5 Design of State Observers with MATLAB
6-6 Minimum-Order Observers
6-7 Observer Controllers
Chapter 7 Some Optimization Problems Solved with MATLAB
7-1 Computational Approach to Obtaining Optimal Sets of Parameter Values
7-2 Solving Quadratic Optimal Control Problems with MATLAB