When it's a question of lifestyle, Prague is among those eastern European cities to have profited most from the fall of the Iron Curtain. In the Czech metropolis, sophisticated life flourishes in a way that bears little resemblance to pre-1989 days.Only insiders will still remember the old addresses that already gave an inkling of the potential slumbering in this city. And maybe a few people still longingly think back to the story of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", set in Milan Kundera's pre-revolutionary Prague and winning the popularity of millions as a book and a film.
Prague-an ancient city with charm that advanced to a center of international trends.The flair is also reflected in the vibrant restaurant culture: alongside traditional Bohemian dishes, you will find all the specialities the wodd has to offer, from Italian dishes to Thai cuisine and Sushi. Cool Restaurants Prague introduces 25 of the most popular venues with over 130 color photos and excellent chef's recipes.
Prag - eine alte Stadt mit Charme, die zu einem Zentrum internationaler Trends avancierte. Dies spiegelt sich auch in der lebhaften Restaurant-Kultur wider: Neben traditionel len bohmischen Gerichten finden sich alle Spezialitaten dieser Welt, angefangen yon italienischen Speisen tiber Thai-Kvche bis hin zu Sushi. Cool Restaurants Prague prasentiert 25 der angesagtesten Lokale auf vber 130 Farbfotos und mit exzellenten Chef-Rezepten.
Prague - une vielle ville qui a du charme et qui s'est affrmee en rant que centre des tendances intemationales. Ceci se reflete egalement dans la vivacite de sa culture en matiere de restaurants : parallelement a des plats traditionnets de Boheme, on y trouve routes les specialites du monde entier, des mets italiens aux .sushi, en passant par la cuisine tha'llandaise. Cool Restaurants Prague presente 25 enclroits 8 la mode sur plus de 130 photos en couleur completees d'excellentes recettes que nous ont foumies les chefs.
Praga -una vieja ciudad con encanto quc se esta transformando en un centro de las tendencias internacionales. Esta evolucion se refleja en su animada cultura gastronsmica donde, junto a los tredicionales platos bohernios, podemos encontrar especialidades culi nadas de todo el mundo como platos italianos,cocina thai y sushi. Cool Restaurants Prague presenta 25 de los locales mas de moda en mas de 130 fotos en color y con exquisitas recetos de sus cocineros.
Praga r una cittr antica ricca di fascino, ete vatasi a centro di tenderize intemazionali. Cio si dflette anche nella vivace cultura di ristoranti, in cui, oltre ai tradizionali piatti boemi. si ritrovano tutte te specialita di questo mondo:de cibi itatiani alia eucina tailandese, fino al sushi. Cool Restaurants Prague presenta 25 dei Iocali piu alia moda della citta con oltre 130 fotografie a colori e con eccellenti ricette di grandi chef.
Barock Restaurant and Lounge Bar
Bazaar Restaurant
Bellavista Prague
Cafe La Veranda
Hergetova Cihelna
Holport Cafe
HOT Restaurant
Hotel Josef Bar
Kampa Park
La Perle de Prague
Lary Fary
Pravda Restaurant
Resto Cafe Patio
Sipek Bistrot
Terasa U Zlate studne
Tretter's New York Bar
Zahrada v opere