The text ofthis edition ofone ofthe finest and funniest epistolary novels is taken from the first edition,of 177 1,and includes the illustrations that Thomas Rowlandson added to the novel in 1790-93.A few obvious typographical errors have been corrected,but Smollett’S creatively used misspellings in the letters of Tabitha Bramble and the inimitable Win Jenkins have been retained with all of their comically earthy overtones.
Contemporary responses to the controversial Smollett’S last noveI are provided by a series of reviews that appeared on the English scene immediately after its publication.A letter from a friend tO the author upon its publication is also included.
List of Illustrations
The Text of The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
Contemporary Responses
From The Criticaj Review
From the Hibemian Magazine
From the Court and City Magazine
From the Town and Country Magazine
From the Gentleman’S Magazine
From The Universal Magazine
From the London Magazine
From the Monthly Review
Letter from Iohn Gray to Tobias Smollett
Sir Walter Scott·Tobias Smollett
Lewis M.Knapp·Smollett’S Self.Portrait in The
Expedition of Humphry C/inker
Byron Gassman·The Economy of Humphry C1inker
Mary Wagoner·On the Satire in Humphry C1inker
William Park·Fathers and Sons:Humphry C1inker
Wolfgang Iser·The Generic Control of the Aesthetic
Response:An Examination of Smollett’S Humphry
Iohn Sekora·The Politics of Humphry Clinker
lohn F.Sena·Ancient Designs and Modern Folly:
Architecture in The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
Connie Capers Thorson·Smollett and Humphry Clinker
A BibliograDhical Essay