Two men sat alone in the private study of an elegant home on the Avenue Victor Hugo. They were old friends and successful businessmen of nearly the same age, somewhere in their early forties. One was Alfred Neuss, a Russian-born American citizen. The other, a Swiss-born British citizen, Peter Kitner. Both were tense and ill at ease.
John Barron, the youngest cop on the LAPD's elite 5-2 squad,gets a baptism of blood and fire as he encounters the most haunting case and villains he's ever faced. Trapped in a web of global intrigue, Barron and his sister, Rebecca, are swept across oceans and continents, from California to England to Russia, by a Sinister hitman playing out Iris role in a shocking conspiracy that threatens institutions of power worldwide. Barron will find that this secret is centuries old and its orchestrators will stop at nothing to see this dark Vision through, a dream destined to topple governments, dethrone dynasties, and catapult one family to the pinnacle of global power.