Part 1
Nationwide body-building and be physically strong
全民健身 强健体魄
一、日渐勃兴的全民体育 Increasingly flourish nationwide sports
二、广泛开展的职工体育 Widely developing staff sports
1. 简单易学的广播体操 Easily learned gymnastics by radio
2. 全国工人运动会 National workers'sports meeting
三、朝气蓬勃的学校体育 Spirited and vigorous school sports
1. 运动竞赛选拔后备力量 Select reserve force through competition
2. 城运会更名为青运会 Change from city-games of PRC to National Youth Games
四、欢乐和谐的农村体育 Joyful and harmonious rural sports
五、挑战潜能的伤残人体育 Challenging the potential:the disabled sports
六、颐养天年的老年体育 Keeping healthy:the senior citizen sports
七、保家卫国的军队体育 Defending our motherland:military sports
八、活泼有趣的少数民族体育 Lively and interesting minority nationality sports
九、源远流长的中华武术 Time-honored Chinese martial arts
十、绚丽多彩的民间体育 Colorful folk sports
1. 龙舟竞渡 Dragon boats competition
2. 放风筝 Kite-flying
3. 棋类活动 Chess games
4. 拔河 Tug-of-war
5. 响箭 Whistling arrow
6. 赛马 Horse racing
7. 跳板 Seesaw jumping
8. 舞龙舞狮 Dragon and lion dances
9. 荡秋千 Play on a swing
10. 跳皮筋 Rubber band skipping
11. 自行车运动 Cycling
Part 2
To carry on the past and endeavor to move forward and open a way for future
继往开来 砥砺奋进
Milestone of New China's sports:1st National Games of PRC
Tremendous achievement:2nd National Games of PRC
Taiwan compatriots' first time participation:3rd National Games of PRC
四、继往开来新“长征” ——第四届全运会
To carry on the past and start a new Long March:4th National Games of PRC
The connection to Summer Olympic Games:5th National Games of PRC
A profitable prospect in Lucky GuangzhOu:6th National Games of PRC
International level and“Ma Family Army”:7th National Games of PRC
Hong Kong's integration to the big family:8th National Games of PRC
New look in the new century:9th National Games of PRC
A large-scale drill before Beijing Olympic Games:10th National Games of PRC
Inspection after Beijing Olympic Games:11th National Games of PRC
Return to the sports' original purity and simplicity:12th National Games of PRC
Part 3
Step out and revitalize the Chinese nation
一、新兴力量运动会Athletic Meet of New Emerging Forces
1.第一届新兴力量运动会1st Athletic Meet of New Emerging Forces
2.第一届亚洲新兴力量运动会1st Sports Meet of New Emerging Forces of Asia
二、洲际运动比赛Continental Competitions
1.亚非乒乓球友好邀请赛Afro-Asian Table Tennis Friendship Invitation Tournament
2.第一届亚洲乒乓球锦标赛1st Asian Table Tennis Championships
3.亚非拉乒乓球友好邀请赛Asian-African—Latin American Table Tennis Friendship Invitation Tournament
三、洲级运动会Continental Sports Games
1.亚运会The Asian Games
2.东亚运动会The East Asian Games
3.亚洲冬季运动会Asian Winter Games
4.第三届亚洲沙滩运动会The 3rd Asian Beach Games
四、世界锦标赛Word Championships
1.第一届世界武术锦标赛1st World Wushu Championships
2.第十三届世界拳击锦标赛13th World Senior Boxing Championships
3.第十届世界攀岩锦标赛10th IFSC Climbing World Championships
4.第一届世界女子足球锦标赛1st FIFA World Championships for Women's Football
5.世界杯足球赛World Cup Football Match
五、特(残)运动会Para Games
1.第六届远东及南太平洋地区残疾人运动会6th Far East and'South Pacific Games for the Disabled
2.第十二届世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会12th Special Olympics World Summer Games
3.第十三届残疾人奥林匹克运动会13th Paralympic Games
4.第一届亚洲残疾人运动会ist Asian Para Games
1.世界大学生夏季运动会Summer Universiade
2.第二十四届世界大学生冬季运动会24th Winter Universiade
七、青年奥林匹克运动会The Youth Olympic Games
Part 4
Realize the Olympic dreams and sing a song of triumph
一、中国重返奥运会China's Return to the Olympic Games
二、参加和申办冬季奥运会Participate and Bid for the Winter Olympic Games
三、国际奥委会成立1 00周年Centenary of Founding of International Olympic Committee
四、世界奥林匹克集邮展览World Olympic Philatelic Exhibition
五、零的突破——洛杉矶奥运会Breakthrough of zero-medal history:the Los Angeles Olympic Games
六、意外挫折一汉城奥运会Unexpected frustration:the Seoul Olympic Games
七、重振雄风——巴塞罗那奥运会Reestablishing the vigor:the Barcelona Olympic Games
八、捷报频传——亚特兰大奥运会News of victory keeps pouring in:the Atlanta Olympic Games
九、首晋三强——悉尼奥运会First time to reach top 3:the Sydney Olympic Games
十、历史新高——雅典奥运会A historical high:the Athens Olympic Games
十一、成功喜悦——中国申奥成功The joy of triumph:China's successful Olympic bid
1.开放的中国盼奥运A more open China awaits Olympics
2.取得北京2008年奥运会主办权Winning the right to hold 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
3.北京奥运会相关邮品Stamps and products related to the th言me of Beijing Olympic Games
十二、无与伦比——北京奥运会Incomparable:the Beijing Olympic Games
1.中国首次登上奥运会金牌榜首For the first time,China topped the Olympic gold medal table
2.从北京到伦敦From Beijing to London
十三、再传佳讯——伦敦奥运会Spread the good news again:the London Olympic Games
Part 5
Struggling hard to conquer the peak
一、坚不可摧的“乒乓长城”Indestructible Great Wall of table tennis
二、威震全球的女排“五连冠”Surprising the world:five successive championships
三、寄托深情的羽毛球Be full of profound feelings:badminton
四、振翅高飞的竞技体操Fluttering and soaring high:competitive gymnastics
五、刮目相看的射击运动Being regarded in a new light:Chinese shooting
六、重建功勋的中国举重Performing the exploits again:Chinese weightlifting
七、后来居上的水上运动Catching up from behind:Water sports
八、勇攀高峰的中国登山队Conquering the peek:Chinese mountaineering team
九、日新月异的航空体育Developing at an amazing speed:aviation sports
附录:《邮票上的中国体育》邮品索引Appendix:index of Chinese Sports on the Stamps