squint [skwɪnt] verb intransitive ■to partly close your eyes in order to see more clearly 眯起眼看•The sun was shining straight in her eyes which made her squint.阳光刺眼,她不得不眯起了眼睛。 [skwɪnt] noun countable EYE CONDITION 眼病 ■a condition caused by a weakness of the eye muscles which makes the eyes look in different directions from each other 斜视•As a child she wore thick glasses and had a bad squint.她小时候戴着厚厚的眼镜,还有严重的斜视。 [skwɪnt] noun countable LOOK 看 informal old-fashioned ■a quick look 瞥,瞟•"The back wheel of my bike doesn't seem straight." "I'll have/take a squint at it if you like."“我脚踏车的后轮好像不太正。”“如果你愿意的话,我帮你看一下。” |