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书名 2007中国国际铝冶金技术论坛论文集
作者 论文集编辑委员会
出版社 冶金工业出版社

2007中国国际铝冶金技术论坛(以下简称论坛)已于2007年10月31日~11月2日在北京召开。论坛由中国铝业集团核心企业中国铝业公司会同北京科技大学、中南大学和中国有色金属学会轻金属学术委员会铝电解专业委员会举办,邀请国务院有关部委领导、国际知名大型铝企业和科研院所的专业人士、国内铝行业高层技术管理人员参加论坛并作大会演讲,并面向国内外铝业界人士尤其是企业技术人员广泛征求稿件。本论文集汇编了论坛所征的精选论文。内容包括:中国铝工业的发展; 铝电解用氧化铝相关技术;铝电解炭素阳极和阴极技术;大型铝电解槽技术;铝冶金过程控制与模拟;铝冶金过程物理化学及相关基础研究;铝合金冶炼、铸造技术等。


A Study on a Sound and Rapid Approach to Develop the State-owned Enterprise  (Xiao Yaqing)

Cathode Failure and Cell Service Life for Modern Cells (Harald A. Oye)

Are Inert Anodes for Aluminium Electrolysis Close to a Technological Breakthrough?

  (Jomar Thonstad)

Investigation on Sodium Penetration-Expansion of TiB2/C Composite Cathode Materials for Aluminum

  Electrolysis (Xue Jilai, Liu Qingsheng, Zhu Jun, et al) 

Recent Industrial and Scientific Researches in Russia (P. V. Polyakov, V. K. Frizorger,

  V. V. Pingin, et al)

Computer Simulation and Optimization of the Stress Field in Cathode Blocks of Aluminum Reduction

  Cells (Li Jie, Liu Wei, Lai Yanqing, et al)

The Equivalent Baking Level Method--Examples of Use in Anode Quality Monitoring and Modeling of

  Sulfur Emissions (Lorentz Petter Lossius, Inge Holden, Hogne Linga)

Study on Anode Effect in Fluoride-Oxide Melts (Wang Guihua, Zhu Hongmin)

A Direction in Aluminum Electrolysis Development: A Study on Inert Anode (Yao Guangchun)

Raising Amperage on Hall-Heroult Cells (George Holywell)

CDM Projects Opportunities at Primary Aluminum Industries: Two Studies Cases (Roberto Kenji


Research Progress of TiB2 Inert Wettable Cathode for Aluminum Electrolysis ( Li Jie, Lu Xiaojun,

  Lai Yanqing, et al)

Densification and Mechanical Properties of NiFe204 Based Cermet Inert Anodes for Aluminum

  Electrolysis (Lai Yanqing, Zhang Gang, Li Jie, et al)

Sodium-Bath Penetration and Concentration in Carbon-Based Cathodes during Aluminum Electrolysis

  (Liu Qingsheng, Xue Jilai, Ou Wenli)

Preparation of Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy from LiC1-NaC1 Melt by Electrochemical Co-deposition

  Method (Sun Ninglei, Ren Jialin, Liu Hengyang, et al)

The Development and Application of Expert System Based on Data Mining in Aluminum

  Electrolysis Control Systems (Chen Xiangtao, Li Jie, Zou Zhong, et al)

Effect of BaO Addition on the Densification and Electrical Conductivity of 10NiO-NiFe2O4

  Composite Ceramics (He Hanbing, Zhou Kechao, Li Zhiyou, et al)

Research on Corrosion Resistance of NiFe2O4 Based Cermet Inert Anode for Aluminum Electrolysis

  (Tian Zhongliang, Lai Yanqing, Li Jie, et al)

On the Relationship between the Busbar Design and Static Electro-Magneto-Flow Field in Aluminum

  Reduction Cells (Liu Wei, Li Jie, Lai Yanqing, et al)

Alumina Rotary Kiln Flame Shape Recognition (Zhang Hongliang, Chen Xiangtao, Zou Zhong)

Validation of Conductance Testing Device and Conductivity Test of (Na3A1F6 + 40wt% K3AIF6 ) -

  AlF3 Melts (Huang Yougno, Lai Yanqing, Tian Zhongliang, et al)

Technical Advances in Producing Alumina Using Coal Fly Ash (Yan Li, Xue Jilai)

  (In the following papers only abstract is in English. )

1 中国铝工业的发展

2 国际国内铝冶金生产、技术发展动态、铝厂生态、环境技术和循环经济

3 铝电解用氧化铝相关技术

4 铝电解炭素阳极和阴极技术

5 大型铝电解槽技术

6 铝电解槽阴极破损和槽寿命

7 新型惰性电极、炼铝新技术和非霍尔法工艺

8 铝冶金过程控制与模拟

9 铝冶金过程物理化学及相关基础研究

10 铝厂设计、生产管理、技术管理、工艺设备和老厂改造

11 铝合金冶炼、铸造技术

12 电解生产过程、设备节能增效技术





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