骆宾王Luo Binwang 在狱咏蝉To the Cicada,Composed in Prison
王勃Wang Bo 杜少府之任蜀州Seeing Magistrate Du off to His Post in Sichuan
宋之问Song Zhiwen 渡汉江Crossing the Han River
沈俭期Shen Quanqi 独不见Who Alone Cannot Be Seen
陈子昂Chen Ziang 登幽州台歌Upon Ascending the Parapet at Youzhou
贺知章He Zhizhang 回乡偶书二首(其一“少小离乡”)
Impromptu Lines Composed upon Returning to My Native Place
张若虚Zhang Ruoxu 春江花月夜Spring,the River,Flowers, the Moony Night
王之涣Wang Zhihuan 凉州词 Liangzhou Lines
孟浩然Meng Haoran 春晓Spring Dawn
宿建德江Spending the Night on the Jiande River
王昌龄Wang Changling 闺怨The Wife's Lament
Seeing Xin Jian off at Lotus Pavillion
李颀Li Qi 送魏万之京Seeing Wei Wan off to the Capital
王维Wano Wei 酬张少府For Vice-Magistrate Zhang
山居秋暝An Autumn Evening in My Mountain Abode
终南山The Zhongnan Mountains
观猎Watching the H unt
鹿砦The Deer Enclosure
使至塞上To the Frontier as an Envoy
李白Li Bai 将进酒For the Moment,Drinking Wine
长相思Endless Yearning
梦游天姥吟留别Dream Journey to the Heavenly Mother Mountain:
A Song of Parting
把酒问月Inquiring of the Moon Winecup in Hand
月下独酌四首(其一“花间一壶酒”)Drinking Alone under the Moon