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书名 | 多元下的统一当代翻译研究潮流/外研社翻译研究文库 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字 |
作者 | (爱尔兰)鲍克 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是1996年5月在爱尔兰都柏林城市大学举行的一次国际翻译研究研讨会的论文集。自七十年代开始,文学翻译研究的成果使语言学在翻译领域不再一统天下。到八、九十年代,翻译研究已形成学派林立,异彩纷呈的局面。随着更多领域的学者加入翻译研究的行列,多元化已成为当代翻译研究最突出的特点。那么,翻译研究的多元化和学者的分工会不会使翻译学者失去共同的语言呢?是否还有一个统一的翻译研究存在呢?如何将不同学派和理论统一在翻译研究这面旗帜之下呢?这些问题的出现也引出了本论文集的主题:“多元下的统一”。 目录 Introduction Section One: The Nature of Translation Luise von Flotow Dis-unity and Diversity Feminist Approaches to Translation Studies Susan Ingram Translation, Autobiography, Bilingualism Section Two: Translation in National Context Ian Brown and Ceri Sherlock Antigone A Scots/Welsh Experience of Mythical and Theatrical Translation Anik6 Sohar 'Genuine' and 'Fictitious' Translations of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Hungary Paul St-Pierre Theory and Practice: Translation in India Judy Wakabayashi Marginal Forms of Translation in Japan Variations from the Norm Eithne O'Connell Choices and Constraints in Screen Translation Section Three: Descriptive Translation Studies Irena Kovacic Six Subtitlers - Six Subtitling Texts Christina Schaiffner Parallel Texts in Translation Carol Peters and Eugenio Picchi Bilingual Reference Corpora for Translators and Translation Studies Sara Laviosa The English Comparable. Corpus A Resource and a Methodology Section Four: Computer-Aided Translation Sharon O'Brien Practical Experience of Computer-Aided Translation Tools in the Software Localization Industry Matthias Heyn Translation Memories: Insights and Prospects Magnus Merkel Consistency and Variation in Technical Translations A Study of Translators' Attitudes Reinhard Schaler The Problem with Machine Translation Paul Bennett Machine Translation as a Model of Human Translation Section Five: Interpreting Studies Franz Pochhacker Unity in Diversity: The Case of Interpreting Studies Jorma Tommola and Marketta Helev~i Language Direction and Source Text Complexity Effects on Trainee Performance in Simultaneous Interpreting Anna-Riitta Vuorikoski User Responses to Simultaneous Interpreting Contributors |
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