Fashion Illustration Next focuses on the most innovative and exciting of the newly established names and a host of stars in the making, showing the highly distinctive styles of over 40 international illustrators from 15 countries. It represents work not only from the world’s most influential fashion and style magazines, but also includes unpublished work either specially commissioned for Fashion Illustration Next or drawn from the artists’ own collections. Complete with a self-portrait by each artist to accompany biographies and contact details, the result is one of the most irresistible and indispensable fashion publications of recent years.
Just a few years ago, when Laird Borrelli’s bestselling Fashion Illustration Now was published, few commentators predicted the great renaissance in illustration that has now taken place. Now, fuelled by the book’s publication, illustration is booming as never before. The power of their work has given the artists a new authority; today’s illustrators don’t just depict trends: they set them.
Fashion Illustration Next focuses on the most innovative and exciting of the newly established names and a host of stars in the making, showing the highly distinctive styles of over 40 international illustrators from 15 countries. It represents work not only from the world’s most influential fashion and style magazines, but also includes unpublished work either specially commissioned for Fashion Illustration Next or drawn from the artists’ own collections. Complete with a self-portrait by each artist to accompany biographies and contact details, the result is one of the most irresistible and indispensable fashion publications of recent years.
Laird Borrelli is the Senior Fashion Editor at Style.corn in New York City. A fashion historian and writer, her publications inctude Fashion Illustration Now and Net Mode. She has curated numerous international projects and exhibitions.
anastase charles
antoniou rebecca
aponte carlos
arkhipoff el isabeth
barwick thomas
bercsek fabia
berthoud francois
buzzelli kime
cardenas alejandro
deygas florence
esdar maren
galdos de1 carpio tristan
gibb kate
goodall jasper
gray richard
habermacher rene & tsipoulanis jannis
ito keiji
jeroense peter
kirton ross
london philidor
manel stephane
mascia pierre-louis
minami kenzo
mode 2
ota koji
persson stina
du preez warren & thornton jones nick
queen termite
reid bernie
remfry david
singh sara
toulouse sophie
touratier maxime
verh oeven j uli e
weiner clay
credits & acknowledgments