The stadium in itself, which until, now prayed a subordinate part as a structure both in sporting and also in architectural, terms, has now become the focal point of public and specialist interest. Fundamental. questions such as the sense and purpose of the preser- vation of athl.etics tracks were discussed to just the same extent as the special, worth of the Olympic stadiums in Munich and Berlin as historical, monuments or also the economic viability of the bull.dings in terms of their future capacity utilisation.
002 Imprint
006 Foreword
168 Bibtiography
170 Stadium Index
172 Architect Index
174 Photography Credits
The Stadia
008 Munich AtUanzArena
024 Stuttgart Gotttieb-Daimter-Stadium
038 Nuremberg Franken-Stadium,
050 Kaiserstautern Fritz-Watter-Stadium
062 Frankfurt Commerzbank-Arena
078 Leipzig Centrat Stadium
090 Cotogne RheinEnergie-Stadium
104 GetsenkirchenVELTINS-Arena
118 Dortmund Westfatenstadium
130 Hanover AWD Arena
144 Hamburg AOL Arena
156 Bertin Otympiastadium
010 Sportsfietd
010 1. Ancient Greece: Otympia-
Stadium, Theatre and Assembly Hart
- Gymnasium
020 2. The Roman Empire: Stadium and
Circus - Amphitheatre - The Export of
Architecture - Gymnasium
and Thermae
040 3. The Middte Ages: Basic Attitude
Change - Tournament
046 4. Modern Facitities: Palatial.
Facitities - Riding and Festive Hal.l.s -
Circus, Boxing Hart and Swimming
Baths - Bull.dings for Batl. Sports -
Garden - Town Square
073 5. The New Stadium: Buttfighting
Arena - Horse Racing Track -
Gymnastics and Swimming Hart -
The first Modern Otympic Games -
Historicism and Neo-Classicism -
The Modern Period
094 6. The Post-War Period: Gigantic
Bowls - Halts
109 7. Diversity Around The Mittennium:
Metat, Supporting Frameworks and
Prefabricated Buildings - Lightweight
Construction and Textite -
Conservation of Monuments - Post-
Modernism - Landmarks and City
Markers - Overall Form - Urban
Development - Mufti- Purpose Arenas